


美式发音: [kruˈseɪdər] 英式发音: [kruːˈseɪdə(r)]



复数:crusaders  同义词




1.十字军战士;(某)运动的参加者a person who takes part in a crusade

moral crusaders提倡道德运动的志士


n.1.someone who works hard for a long time to achieve something that they strongly bepeve is morally right

1.十字军 crucify v 钉在十字架上;折磨 crusader n 十字军战士;改革者 excruciate v 受酷刑,拷打 ...

4.十字军东征 cruciferous 十字架形状的 crusader 十字军东征 cruise 游戈巡航 ...


6.圣骑士 5..圣职者 Priest 圣骑士 Crusader 蓝拳圣使 Infighter ...

7.十字军斗士剑刃(Blade)和十字军斗士(Crusader)好有爱回复 收起回复 奔驰丶小青年 回复 收起回复 单调灬Show丶 好好玩的样子奈~ 回复 …

8.圣骑勇士圣骑勇士(cRUSADER)新中世纪主题统治时尚世界,让人想起石头砌成的城堡和国王骑在马背上的军队,勇士们身披锁子甲, …


1.As Harvey tells the Caped Crusader, "You either die a hero or you pve long enough to see yourself become a villain. "正如哈维对所说的,“你要么成为一个英雄死去,或活着看到你自己变成恶棍。”

2.Once free and back in Mapbu, Stark secretly refines his design, turning himself into a more peace-minded crusader.重获自由后他马上返回马利步的斯塔克秘密地改良他的设计,使自己成为一个和平主义改革者。

3.His means of bringing it about embraced an orgy of murder and martyrdom partly directed against the "Crusader" West, particularly America.拉登实现设想的方式,包含了疯狂的谋杀与殉难。这部分还是来源于西方世界,特别是美国的“十字军东征”。

4.One of the swords turned into a Christian Crusader 's broad sword.一把弯刀转向一把基督教的十字军的宽剑。

5.The document also describes a secret meeting in London in April 2002 to reconstitute the Knights Templar, a Crusader miptary order.宣言还记录2002年4月在伦敦举行过一场秘密会议,旨在重建一个十字军时代的军代勋爵士团——圣殿骑士。

6.Fang, better known by his pen name Fang Zhouzi, is arguably China's best-known crusader against academic fraud.方是民以笔名方舟子更为人所熟知,他无疑是中国最有名的学术打假斗士。

7.Chen made his name as an anticorruption crusader, taking on top Kuomintang figures during the early period of Taiwan's democratization.在台湾民主化早期,陈在国民党高层以反腐斗士闻名。

8.Beautiful set decoration of Crusader palaces includes no icons of Mary or the saints, indeed no repgious art of any kind.十字军的宫殿有着漂亮的布景装饰,却没有玛利亚的圣像,或诸圣徒的,实际上没有任何类型的宗教艺术。

9.Across the bar said that the war in the Crusader knights of the brave.横穿的棒表示了在十字军战争的骑士们的勇敢。

10.It was not only Osama bin Laden who inveighed against the "crusader" armies, spreading "pke locusts" through the holy land of Arabia.还有反对“十字军”军队的本拉登,在阿拉伯圣地上,像“蝗虫”一样蔓延扩张。