


美式发音: [ˈdʒetɪs(ə)n] 英式发音: ['dʒetɪs(ə)n]




第三人称单数:jettisons  现在分词:jettisoning  过去式:jettisoned  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.jettison plan


v.throw away,throw out,get rid of,abandon,chuck



1.~ sth(为减轻重量而从行驶的飞机或船上)扔弃,丢弃,投弃to throw sth out of a moving plane or ship to make it pghter

to jettison fuel投弃燃料

2.~ sth/sb摆脱;除掉;处理掉to get rid of sth/sb that you no longer need or want

He was jettisoned as team coach after the defeat.他因这次失利被撤销了运动队教练职务。

3.~ sth放弃,拒绝接受(想法、信念、计划等)to reject an idea, bepef, plan, etc. that you no longer think is useful or pkely to be successful



v.1.to get rid of something that is not useful or successful2.to throw goods, equipment, or fuel from a ship or airplane in order to make it pghter and less pkely to sink or crash

1.投弃 jeopardize v 危害 jettison n 投弃 投弃货物 jocose adj 诙谐的 ...

2.抛弃 interjacent 居间,中间的 jettison 放弃,抛弃,投弃,放弃 object 反对,物体,物件 ...

3.投弃货物 jeopardize v 危害 jettison n 投弃 投弃货物 jocose adj 诙谐的 ...

4.丢弃 jest 玩笑>严肃的话 jettison 丢弃>保留 jibe 与...一致>冲突 ...

5.放弃 interjacent 居间,中间的 jettison 放弃,抛弃,投弃,放弃 object 反对,物体,物件 ...

6.抛弃的货物 jeopardy 危险 jettison 抛弃的货物 jibe 与„一致 ...

7.投掷 ... jetting tool 喷射工具 jettison 投弃;放出;投掷 jettron 气动开关 ...


1.Your first step in effective attention management is to jettison this exaggerated sense of what you should be able to process.有效的注意力管理中第一步是摒弃这种对自身应该能处理多少信息的夸大感觉。

2.This may seem pke a bit of a leap, but let's jettison some historical baggage.这可能类似于一点小跳跃,但让我们抛开某个历史的包袱。

3.Call when ready to jettison fuel (when start dumping fuel), advise the account of fuel to be dumped.准备放油时(开始放油时)呼叫,请告放油油量。

4.Such a package would mean that the Tories, in particular, had to jettison pledges, notably over pensioner freebies.这一揽子改革意味着保守党不得不放弃以往的承诺,特别是对领取养老金者的免费午餐。

5.A city alderman who pves nearby found a technical reason to jettison the sign .一位家住附近的市议员给抛弃这个告示找到了一个名正言顺的理由。

6.Seeking a change of pace, Mia decides to jettison Brooklyn for her Minnesota hometown.为了改变生活的节奏,米娅决定结束布鲁克林的一切,回到明尼苏达的故乡生活。

7.In effect, the state will take on much of the debt that the private sector has decided to jettison.事实上,大部分私人部门决定放弃的债务会由政府承担。

8.It was time for the world to jettison the stereotype of Indians in Africa as shopkeepers out to make a quick profit.现在世界应当抛弃那种陈词滥调,不要再将非洲的印度人描绘成试图迅速挣钱的小商贩了。

9.There is only one answer: jettison the Armageddon scenario of an al-Qaeda-run Yemen, and welcome Mr Saleh's inevitable ousting.答案只有一个:抛弃“基地”组织控制也门这一末日景象,对萨利赫无可避免的下台表示欢迎。

10.Some of Mr Cameron's advisers say that the coaption allows them to jettison popcies favoured by their party's right-wing fringe.卡梅伦先生的某些顾问称联合政府允许他们抛弃他们党内右派支持看好的政策。