


美式发音: [ˌʌnaɪˈdentɪfaɪd] 英式发音: [ˌʌnaɪˈdentɪˌfaɪd]




adj.+n.unidentified man,unidentified woman,unidentified source,unidentified aircraft,unidentified body





1.未知的;不明的;未确认的not recognized or known; not identified

an unidentified virus尚未确定的病毒

The painting was sold to an unidentified American dealer(= his or her name was not given) .这幅画卖给了一名未披露姓名的美国商人。


adj.1.not recognized or known; depberately not named

1.身分不明 恰如其分[ apt;appropriate] 身分不明[ unidentified;unknown identity] 非分[ presumptuous;overstepping one's bounds] ...

2.未经确认的 UFO,unidentified flying object 中文意思是不明飞行物 unidentified 未经确认的 flying 飞行 ...

3.身份不明的 accuracy n. 正确性,准确性 unidentified adj. 身份不明的 epminate v. 消除 ...

4.未识别的 unicity 单一性 unidentified 未识别的 unidextrapty 单手性 ...

5.未鉴别的 standard pressure,parts 标准受压元件 unidentified 未鉴别的 Measurement, 测量 ...

6.不明物体word of Storms)[DVDRip] 《不明物体》(Unidentified)[DVDRip] 《太空堡垒—暗影编年》(Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles)[…


1.AN unidentified man is lurking about Cyprus with a partner trying to scam pensioners for hundreds of euros.一个身份不明的人是潜伏关于塞浦路斯与合作伙伴努力为几百欧元诈骗退休。

2.The report did not provide details of the talks, but quoted an unidentified Changan executive as saying there was a chance for a deal.报道未披露会谈细节,不过,援引长安汽车一不具名的经理的话说,有机会达成交易。

3."In the long-run, the move will help TV dramas develop in a scientific and healthy manner, " said the unidentified spokesman.“从长远看,这一转变将帮助电视剧在一个科学和健康的方式上发展,”身份不明的发言人说。

4.Barsa said he was still negotiating with an unidentified buyer from Denver whom he said was offering much less than a fair price.巴萨称,他还在与一位身份不明的丹佛买家协商,该买家所出的价格远低于公平价格。

5.UNIDENTIFIED MALE It 's convenient . You don't have to deal with a sort of surly clerk , and you know , I'm just as happy with it.你必须知道,你必须知道这一切都是为了你。你对我太宽容以至于都不认真地对待我。

6.It simply does not follow that there would be an increase in output in these unidentified factories because robots do not make mistakes.在这些未经确认的工厂中,不能说因为机器人不会失误,其产量自然而然就会增长。

7.The unidentified worker was assigned to Fukushima Daiichi for about a week in early August by a subcontracting company.8月初,这位身份不明的工人被劳务分包公司派遣到福岛第一核电站工作一周左右。

8.Behind the house there was an enormous tree that bore handsome big red apples of an unidentified variety and undistinguished flavor.屋后有一颗巨大的树,会结出漂亮的又红又大的苹果类的水果,品种不明,味道却平常。

9.Since the beginning of Chilean history, there have been reports of unidentified phenomena, sometimes called UFOs , observed in our skies.年初以来,智利历史上,有报告不明的现象,有时被称为飞碟,看到在我们的天空。

10."An unidentified reason caused a hole in the ship, which led to its sinking. Rescue efforts are under way, " the ministry said.国防部称:“不明原因在舰艇上制造了一个大洞,致使它沉没。营救措施依旧在进行。”