






1.In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears.我在急难中求告耶和华,向我的上帝呼求。他从殿中听了我的声音;我的呼求入了他的耳中。

2.It took me a few days to figure it out. Because by helping to solve the problem, he had robbed me of my God-given right to complain.过好几天后我才想明白:因为他帮我解决了问题,但同时也剥夺了我天经地义的发牢骚的权利。

3.Did you uh, ever get this sort of. . . panicky, "Oh my god I'm gonna be a father" kind of a thing?你有没有,恩,感到这样的恐慌,恩,“噢我的天哪,我要做爸爸了”之类的事情?

4.It was a fine November. . . day fine for Wragby. He looked over the melancholy park. My God! What a place!这是十一月的一个美丽的日子……在勒格贝,这算是美丽的了。他望了那凄凉的园林。上帝哟!什么一块地方!

5.It's totally done differently to what I was teached when I was at school, and you know I was pke 'Oh my God, I can't do this'.这和我在学校时学习的那些完全不一样。我只能说‘噢,上帝啊!我搞不定它们’。

6.I said to myself: 'My God, I must marry this man, he's the president and he knows everything about flowers as well.我对自己说:‘天啊,我一定要嫁给这个男人,他是总统,还对花卉如此精通。

7.A customer came into the gas station where I work, glanced at me and exclaimed, "My God, what happened to you? "一个顾客走进我工作的加油站,看了我一眼就大呼小叫起来:“我的天啊,你出什么事啦?”

8.First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is proclaimed throughout the whole world.第一,我靠着耶稣基督,为你们众人感谢我的神,因你们的信德传遍了天下。

9.And he said, Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my God also?以赛亚说,大卫家阿,你们当听。你们使人厌烦岂算小事,还要使我的神厌烦吗。

10.But finally found a place to stay, my God is not thin, want leave me a place.但终于还是找到了一个容身之地,想来老天待我还是不薄的,还惦记着给我留一方净土。