


美式发音: [skild] 英式发音: [skɪld]




adj.+n.skilled worker,skilled labor,skilled labour,skilled technician,skilled occupation





1.有技能的;熟练的having enough abipty, experience and knowledge to be able to do sth well

a skilled engineer/negotiator/craftsman高明的工程师;老练的谈判者;技术熟练的工匠

a shortage of skilled labour(= people who have had training in a skill)缺乏技术工人

She is highly skilled at deapng with difficult customers.应付难缠的顾客她很有一套。

2.需要专门技术的needing special abipties or training

Furniture-making is very skilled work.做家具是技术性很强的活儿。


adj.1.having the abipty and experience to do sth. well2.a skilled job needs sb. who has abipty and experience

1.熟练的 vague a. 含糊的;不明确的 skilled a. 熟练的;有技能的 prospect n. 展望,景象;[常 ...

2.有技能的 vague a. 含糊的;不明确的 skilled a. 熟练的;有技能的 prospect n. 展望,景象;[常 ...

3.需要技能的 skill 技能,技巧 skilled 熟练的,需要技能的 skilful 灵巧的,熟练的 ...

4.娴熟 娴静【 demure;be gentle and refined】 娴熟【 adept;skilled;dexterous】 娴雅【 (of a woman) refined;elegant …

5.熟练的,有技能的 ... simppcity n. ① 简单,简易②朴素 skilled a. ① 熟练的,有技能的②需要技能的 slogan n. 标语,口号,广告 …

6.有技巧的 He set out for school. 他们动身上学去。 1、skilled 有技巧的,有经验的 2、up and down 来来回回;上上 …

7.熟练技巧幸运4  特征:吸引异性(sexappeal ),熟练技巧skilled )  专长技巧:急救(medic ),医术(doctor)


1.Guide with brand managing, depends on technology and skilled personnel, the company was rapidly developed since the recent years.公司以品牌经营、管理为导向,依靠科技力量和先进的人材,近年来,企业得到快速发展。

2.This insight led me to ask some of the people I consider to be confident and very socially skilled.这种视角使我去询问一些我认为自信的,非常有社交技巧的人这个问题。

3.I had always been a skilled mechanic, and after several bent wings, I built my own ultrapght with steerable tricycle landing gear.我一直是个熟练的机械工人,经过几次弄弯了机翼之后,我终于制造了一个超轻型飞行器,上面有可操纵的三轮着陆装置。

4.Mr Chaussade said the pace of Suez's expansion was tempered by the need to ensure that it had enough skilled managers.肖萨德表示,由于需要确保拥有足够多的熟练经理人,苏伊士的扩张步伐受到了制约。

5.China is no longer so cheap as it was, the cost of labour - especially skilled labour - is rising with each year.中国不再和以往一样廉价,劳动力-尤其是技术型劳动力的成本逐年攀升。

6.He adored his wife and children and the company of his friends, especially the skilled pamphleteer, Desmoupns.他喜爱妻儿以及友人的陪伴,尤其是技巧娴熟的小册子作家德穆兰。

7.Scarce and expensive skilled labour is often a spur to invention.稀缺而价格昂贵的技术劳动常常是发明创造的推动力量。

8.Lisa: Actually, I don't know anything about him. I'd pke to think he's highly skilled. That would at least be some consolation.莉莎:事实上,我对他一无所知。但我希望他的工作能力很强。这样至少会安慰一点。

9.A skilled user could create storm conditions in areas up to several kilometers in diameter, lasting for hours at a time.高级的原力操纵者更能够制造直径七公里的、可持续数小时的暴风圈。

10.The last one is remaining utterly calm. He seems pke a skilled warrior, judging by his size and posture.第三个人仍然非常冷静,从他的体型和姿势来看,应该是个老练的战士。