




1.高级经济师 经纪人 Broker 高级经济师 Senior Economist 高级会计师 Senior Accountant ...

2.高级经济学家 丈量员( Chainman) 高级经济主任( Senior Economist ) 研究主任( Research Executive…

4.资深经济学家 ... (Senior economist 资深经济学家) (senior Marketing consultant 资深行销顾问) ...

5.资深经济师 25 April 2012 Three steps to end the recession 2012年4月25日 结束经济衰退的三个步骤 Senior Economist 资深经济师 ...

6.经济家 公司企业 BACHELOR 北京 SENIOR ECONOMIST 中文 Chinese ...

8.初级经济师 ... 经纪人 Broker 初级经济师 Senior Economist 初级会计师 Senior Accounta recentt ...


1.Among the attenders there were a senior economist to whom I said it seemed that the Chinese could not make a good pot during a decade.当时在座的还有一位老资格的经济学家,我对他说,看来中国人十年之内再也做不出一口好锅了。

2.FAO senior economist Abdul ceremony Sae Ba Xian, said: "the high oil prices and food prices continued to form a vicious cycle. "粮农组织资深经济学家阿卜杜勒礼萨·阿巴西安说:“油价和粮价持续居高,形成了恶性循环。”

3.Michael Gregory, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets Economics, said the employment report was "emitting recession signals. "迈克·格里高里,BMO资本市场经济的高级经济师,说就业报告是“释放衰退信号”。

4.Darren Cooper, a senior economist at the International Grains Council in London, said: "Rice is obviously a poptical commodity in Asia. "国际谷物理事会(InternationalGrainsCouncil)驻伦敦的高级经济学家达伦·库珀(DarrenCooper)表示:“大米在亚洲显然是一种政治性大宗商品。”

5.The pace could be very slow and very far away from normapsation, " said Seiji Adachi, senior economist at Deutsche Securities in Tokyo. "步伐可能会非常缓慢,距离标准非常遥远。东京德意志证券的高级经济学家安达诚司说。

6.A senior economist for the U. N. says both regions have weathered the crisis better than developed nations.联合国一位资深经济学家说,这两个地区都比发达国家更好地经受住了这次危机。

7.Mr. Rubin joined the bank as a senior economist in 1988, and was made chief economist in 1992.Rubin先生于1988年加入CIBC就任高级经济研究员一职,后于1992年被提拔为首席经济研究员。

8.However, Louis Kuijs, senior economist at the World Bank in Beijing, isn't sure China has reached such a point yet.但世界银行(WorldBank)驻北京高级经济学家高路易(LouisKuijs)不太肯定中国是不是已经走到了这样一个拐点。

9."One does struggle for different things to say about it, " said David Wolf, senior economist RBC Capital Markets.“一为不同的事物有关它做竞争,”大卫狼,资深的经济学者RBC资金市场说。

10.Famous enterprise training, American Management Association ( AMA ) member, senior economist.著名企业教练,美国管理协会(AMA)会员,高级经济师。