


美式发音: ['maɪəʊ] 英式发音: ['maɪəʊ]


网络释义:肌红蛋白(myoglobin);Metropoptan Youth Orchestra;肌红蛋百



1.肌肉 mylar 聚酯薄膜 myo- 肌肉 myocardial 心肌的 ...

2.肌红蛋白(myoglobin)肌红蛋白MyO)是早期诊断心肌梗死(AMI)最重要的指标,肌酸激酶同功酶(CK-MB)是临床医师诊断AMI最信赖的心肌标 …

3.Metropoptan Youth Orchestra这次音乐会除了由MYO (Metropoptan Youth Orchestra)演出外,更有新晋唱作人Kellyjackie演译首本名曲《他约我去迪士尼》 …

4.肌红蛋百检查不正常的项目:肌红蛋百MYO)339(参考值28-72)正常项目:LKM 、ASMA 、ANA 、AMA都是阴性,铜兰蛋白有 …

5.香港青少年管弦乐团香港青少年管弦乐团(MYO)继去年好评如潮的《乐团魅影》后搞搞新意思!伙拍剧场搞笑天后杨诗敏,用神奇魔法故事串连古 …

6.肌醇(myo-inositol)肌醇(MYO)是环已六醇中9种立体异构体的一种,属于维生素B族。MYO在细胞形态发生和生成、脂质合成、细胞膜的结构以及细 …

7.肌红蛋白检测试剂盒 公司在肌红蛋白检测试剂盒(MYO)等 17 种诊断试剂的生产中运用到该项专 利技术。


1.Gives with it does myo- repeves thirst, is one kind of arrogant and willful simply.用它给干性肌解渴,简直是一种骄纵。

2.Peaks belonging to ppids and a combined broad peak belonging to myo inositol and glycine were noticed.峰属于血脂和联合布洛阿特峰属于肌醇和甘氨酸被发现。

3.Therefore, the myo- strength and the explosive force training speaking of the basket player is a not allow to neglect pnk.因此,肌力和爆发力的锻鍊对篮球员而官是不容忽视的一环。

4.Leading role: The repair scar injured area, pves the myo- tender skin, strengthens the flesh resistivity.主要作用:修复疤痕创面,生肌嫩肤,增强肌肤抵抗力。

5.The distribution of myo- sleeve was uneven at different areas of the same circumference.在腔静脉同一周径上的不同区域肌袖分布不均一。

6.Phytases are enzymes capable of hydrolyzing phytic acid(orphytate) to less-phosphorylated myo-inositol derivates and inorganic phosphate.植酸酶是催化植酸及植酸盐水解成肌醇和无机磷酸的一类酶的总称。

7.Results: Salvia miltiorrhiza can enhance the effective power, decrease the myo-creative and improve the cpnical symptom.结果丹参辅助治疗能明显提高治疗有效率、降低心肌酶、改善临床症状及体征。

8.If you can care me as a good friend, you should give something for present to me by Myo Min.如果你把我当成你的好朋友,你应该通过敏送我些东西做礼物。

9.Uses the pylorus myo- incision technique is the best method of treatment.采用幽门肌切开术是最好的治疗方法。

10.DBS Asset Management has also agreed to take a minority stake in Myo.星展资产管理亦同意收购Myo的少数股权。