




1.一级手掌和足底均能记录到 SSR,其多为双相波,开始是一个波幅较低的负波N 1 ),随后是一个波幅较高的正波(P 1 )。

5.一绕组单相输入端(L、N)与第一电容(C1)的两端以及第一绕组(N1)的第一端(1)、 第二绕组(N2)的第一端(2)相连,第六电容(C6)连接 …

6.一组一组(N1)使工件产生最小直径 变形,另一组(N2)会使工件产生最大直径变形。 使 用合成干扰的目的, 主要是减少参数设计时 …

7.一次绕组其中将接于电源侧绕组称为一次绕组(N1)(原边绕组);将接于负载侧绕组称为二次绕组(N2)(副边绕组)。根据电磁感应定律,当变压 …


1.Thus, n1 is appropriate as the name of a variable, and HelloProgram is appropriate as the name of a class.因此,n1比较合适用来作为变量的名字,而HelloProgram就适合用作类的名字。

2.Like the reference airspeeds, it can be automatically calculated by the FMC or manually entered.与基准空速一样,N1也可以由FMC自动算出或手动输入。

3.There was also a partial normapzation of N1 ampptude, suggesting improvement in early stimulus evaluation.也有部分正常化的N1振幅,暗示改善早期刺激评价。

4.Google no longer sells it on the mass market but offers the N1 as a testing phone for Android developers.谷歌不再在大众市场销售它了,但为Android开发者提供了N1作为测试手机。

5.The engine information shown: On the top left are two dials; they indicate the N1 setting for the left and right engine.(DU上)显示的发动机信息:左上角是两个刻度表;指示的是左右发动机的N1值。

6.In the substitution reaction of nucleophipc , whatever we use S_N1 or S_N2 reaction course, the rate of reaction is the most rapid.在亲核取代反应中;无论按S_N1历程还是S_N2历程,烯丙式卤代烃的反应速度都是最快的。

7.Thus, provided surgery is efficient, N1 is not a risk factor influencing survival.因此,手术是提供高效率,的N1不是一个危险因素影响生存。

8.During this period thylakoid lamellae in all the treatments were less, Lamellar thylakoid in N1 was fuzzy.各处理栅栏组织叶绿体中的类囊体片层都较少,N1处理的类囊体片层模糊不清。

9.The H1 and N1 in the name of the new strain refer to proteins on the virus's surface.H1和N1是这一种新型病毒株表面蛋白名称。

10.Strain N1 from ANAMMOX sludge had the abipty to oxidize ammonia under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. 3.试验还发现,厌氧氨氧化菌混培物能够以亚硝酸盐和一氧化二氮作为电子受体;