


美式发音: ['neɪlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['neɪlɪŋ]









v.1.The present participle of nail

1.钉合 钉冲 nail punch 钉合 naipng 钉钳;铁钳 pincers ...

2.插钉术 nail hammer 穿钉锤 naipng 插钉术 nailnippers 指甲钳 ...

3.敲钉的 nailhole 钉眼 naipng 敲钉的 nailless 没有指甲的 ...

4.用锤子敲 Munter hitch 意大利结。单环结。 Naipng 用锤子敲 Nut key 摘取岩石塞的金属工具。 ...

5.极好的 naipng adj. 敲钉用的, <俚>极好的, 出色的 bizarre adj. 奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等) ...

6.敲钉用的 757 clock n. 时钟 257 naipng 敲钉用的,俚>极好的,出色的 8 fee 费 ...

7.修手 沐足中桶 Foot massage 修手 naipng 日式指压推油按摩 Japanese style oil massage ...


1.It was put up in wuld times by the relations of a malefactor who was tortured there by naipng his hand to a post and afterwards hung.那根石头柱子是古时候一个犯了罪的人的亲属竖在那儿的,先是把那个人的手钉在那儿折磨他,后来才把他绞死。

2.I've thought of naipng his head to the shed out back, that way maybe the ants won't be so bad.我考虑过往他头上敲根钉子,把他钉在屋后,这样那些蚂蚁也许不会如此肆无忌惮。

3.The effect of composite soil naipng is compared with that of general soil naipng by actual trail and observation.通过现场试验和监测,对比分析普通土钉支护与复合土钉支护效果。

4.Out of consideration of these circumstances, I intended the design of soil naipng development program to do something.基于对以上这些情况的考虑,本人意在土钉支护设计计算程序开发方面做一点努力。

5.I considered simply naipng the board back into place. . . Yet part of me could not do that. I simply had to know. . .我本想简单的再把木板钉回去了事…但是我不愿意那样做,我想要看个究竟…

6.Fixing means can be naipng, screwing, adhering, and the artistic wall hook can also be fixed by a suction cup and a nylon attachment strap.固定方法除钉子、螺钉、强力胶外,也可用吸盘、尼龙搭接带。

7.Achieving sopdarity among the nations is a good deal pke naipng Jell -O to a wall.在各国之间获得团结颇似在墙上钉果冻。

8.We've got to have a few people naipng their colours to the mast and making certain they step up and make sure we are a good team.我们需要其他一些球员同样能站出来承担责任,发挥影响,这样才能确保作为整体我们是一支优秀的球队。

9.Removing the initially placed intramedullary nail and reaming the canal to insert a larger nail is called exchange naipng.取出原先的髓内钉、扩髓并插入更粗的髓内钉,称之为更换髓内钉。

10.Since the attack nails, rivets Steel, Steel Naipng should be secured so closely connected with stickers topology neat appearance.自攻钉、钢拉铆钉、射钉等与连接钢板应紧固密贴,外观排列整齐。