





2.汉摩拉比巴比伦王汉摩拉比Hammurabi)制订的法典最为著名,其中有多种刑事及民事法条。汉摩拉比在序言中说,马杜主神命他「 …

3.汉穆拉比1792BC,第六代国王汉穆拉比Hammurabi)(约公元前1792~前1750年)即位,征服了苏美尔人和阿卡德人,统一了美索不 …



6.汉漠拉比尽管人类知道官僚制至少已有3000年——从汉漠拉比Hammurabi)的衰败直到现代民族国家、公立学校和公司——,我们将 …

7.哈慕拉比在埃及和巴比伦都是这样:例如哈慕拉比(Hammurabi) 的法典, 就是这样公布在他们两个国中。 所以摩西吩咐以色列人, 到 …


1.In a few hundred years history will reflect that our "great fence" was just as big a failure as Hammurabi's wall or the Great Wall of China.在几百年的历史,反映“伟大的篱笆”就那么大,如汉穆拉失败的长城墙体还是中国。

2.THE lending of money at interest goes back, at least, to the Babylon of Hammurabi in 1775BC. So does its regulation.出借金钱并收取利息,至少可以追溯到公元前1775年古巴比伦的汉莫拉比王朝,也确实一直有着如此规定。

3.Babylon the great and its superior people greet you. I, Hammurabi, desire peace with all my neighbors - even your puny culture.巴比伦人民向您问好。我是汉谟拉比,希望能和所有的邻近国家保持和平相处,即使是文化水平再低落的国家也一视同仁。

4.One of the best known of the city's early rulers was the great law-giver, Hammurabi (1792-1750 B. C. ).城市早期最出名的统治者之一的是伟大律法颁布者--汉谟拉比(公元前1792年-公元前1750年)。

5.The famed palace of Zimri-Lim was destroyed by his former ally Hammurabi of Babylon after a disagreement over supppes of bitumen.在一场关于沥青供应的争执之后,Zimri-Lim的华美宫殿被其前盟友巴比伦的汉谟拉比摧毁。

6.Despite these cases the death penalty, on the statute books since the days of Hammurabi, is disappearing in much of the world.虽然发生了这些案件,但是在所有从汉莫拉比时期以来的众多法律法规中,死刑在世界许多地方在逐渐消失。

7.The Code of Hammurabi said what the Sumerians should not do. It also said how they would be punished if they violated any laws.《汉谟拉比法典》规定苏美尔人不该做的事,它还规定如果他们违反法律该受到何种惩罚。

8.BC Hammurabi Conquers Mesopotamia- Hammurabi extended the power of Babylon over all of Mesopotamia.公元前1792年汉摩拉比征服美索不达米亚:汉摩拉比扩大了巴比伦在美索不达米亚的全部力量。

9."To bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, so that the strong should not harm the weak. " - Hammurabi's Code; Prologue.“让正义的统治降临大地,使强者不克不及凌辱弱者。”-汉谟拉比法典。

10.The Mesopotamian Code of Hammurabi, law codes from ancient Babylon, omits number 13 from its pst.早在古巴比伦时期,《汉慕拉比法典》的列表中就规避了数字13的使用。