


网络释义:印度国家宇航实验室(National Aerospace Laboratories);纳尔齐克


1.印度国家宇航实验室(National Aerospace Laboratories)T University and India’s National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) were displayed on the re-designed HANSA aircraft, a two-s...

2.纳尔齐克纳尔齐克(NAL)卡马河畔切尔内(NBC) 涅留格林(NER) 下瓦尔托夫斯克(NJC) 纳杰夫(NJF) 纳里扬马尔(NNM) 诺加布拉克斯克(N…


1.The location of a start code prefix can be used by a decoder to identify the beginning of a new NAL unit and the end of a previous NAL unit.解码器可以使用开始码前缀的位置来识别一个新的NAL单元的开始和前一个NAL单元的结束。

2.Jabba transplanted Desipjic operations from Nal Hutta to Tatooine, a backwater desert planet he began to think of as home.贾巴将德西利吉克的业务从纳尔赫塔转移到穷困的沙漠星球塔图因,并开始以此为家。

3.But today, it's sad to say that probably the White House is the only piece which is not dysfunctio nal.不过现在,遗憾地说,白宫可能一整块都不正常。

4.What makes you think China will submit its claims to the Internatio¬ nal Court of Justice, especially if the Fippino claim is strong?你凭啥认为中国会提交其诉求到国际法庭来仲裁,难道是因为菲律宾的强烈要求?

5.The column marked "C" psts the categories of the syntax elements that may be present in the NAL unit.列标记“C”列出可能出现在NAL单元中的语法元素的种类。

6.In the script, he was to use it again while tracking down Ziro in the swamps of Nal Hutta.在剧本里,在纳尔赫塔的沼泽地中追捕齐罗时,他再次使用了这项技能。

7.The calcu- lated apparent impedance Z is compared with the set- ting impedance Zset to decide whether the fault is inter- nal or external.的计算,lated明显阻抗Z是同一套婷阻抗Zset决定是否断层间的信号或外部。

8.For near'ly three months he had been keeping a jour'nal.差不多有三个月他一直在记日志。

9.After you finish the chicken, try the "Nal Doo Bap (flying fish+tofu+rice), " it's really good.吃完鸡肉后,再试试“飞鱼豆腐饭”,真的很好吃。

10.1 access unit: A set of NAL units always containing a primary coded picture.访问单元:访问单元是NAL单元的集合,其中必定包含一个基本编码图象。