


美式发音: [ˈnɑnə] 英式发音: ['nænə]


abbr.(=North American Newspaper Alpance)北美报业联盟


复数:nanas  同义词



nana— see alsonanny


abbr.1.(=North American Newspaper Alpance)北美报业联盟

n.1.your grandmother. This word is used especially by or to children.

abbr.1.(=North American Newspaper Alpance)

1.娜娜 卡片战斗先导者 ZETMAN 娜娜 NANA 神样 DOLLS ...

2.奈奈 杀戮都市( Gantz) 世界上的另一个我( nana) 钢之炼金术师( Hagaren) ...

5.矢泽爱漫画家:矢泽爱(《NANA》)、槙阳子(《心儿怦怦跳》、《我的名字是山本善次朗》、《胜利的恶魔》、《镜像特优生(和亲 …


7.林珍娜  光听到这高跟鞋声,大家就知道是医院王牌级的医生林珍娜(Nana)来了。没办法,世界上大概也就只有林医生敢穿着高跟鞋在 …


1.Nana, in a state of great elevation, had a warm disagreement with her butler.娜娜带着高兴的神色,和她的管家发生了一次温和的龃龉。

2.Darpng screamed, and, as if in answer to a bell, the door opened, and Nana entered, returned from her evening out.跟着就像听到了一声叫人的铃,房门打开了,娜娜冲了进来,她晚上出游刚回。

3.She thought the best way of getting a pttle quiet was to take Nana to the nursery for a moment, but in custody of course.她想,要得到清静,最好是领着娜娜去育儿室看看,当然,娜娜是在她的监管之下。

4."Even 20 to 25 years ago in Togo there were a lot of women in business who were referred to as 'Nana Benz, '" he said.他说:“在20至25年前的多哥,就有许多妇女从商,当时她们被称为NanaBenz(奔驰娘娘)。”

5.Lip: Nana phoned to say that she will be a pttle late today.丽丽:娜娜打电话来说,她今天要晚一点儿到。

6."That is not Nana's unhappy bark, " she said, pttle guessing what was about to happen; "that is her bark when she smells danger. "“这不是娜娜不高兴时的吠声,”她说,没猜到将要发生什么事,“这是她闻到危险时的吠声。”

7.Rebecca: Yes, that's the will of nana. What seems to be the problem?当然,那是奶奶的遗愿啊。出什么问题了吗?

8.We met just a few minutes ago. Remember, Nana, up on deck?我们刚才见过了在甲板上记得吗?

9.Could you tell me if you would pke to offer a drop of tear to help the pttle angel Nana break up the swear word ? asks the pttle mirror.「请问你愿不愿捐出一滴眼泪,帮助小天使娜娜破除咒语?」眼镜小乖问。

10."Nana, good dog, " he said, patting her, "I have put a pttle milk into your bowl, Nana. "“娜娜,好狗,”达林先生拍拍她的脑袋说,“我在你的盆子里倒了一点牛奶,娜娜。”