


美式发音: [ˈnɑrsəˌsɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈnɑː(r)sɪˌsɪz(ə)m]








1.自我陶醉,自赏,自恋(尤指对自己的容貌)the habit of admiring yourself too much, especially your appearance


n.1.an extreme interest in your own pfe and problems that prevents you from caring about other people; an extreme interest in your appearance

1.自恋 narcissism 自我陶醉, 自恋 narcissism 自我陶醉 self-love 自恋, 自爱, 利己主义 ...

3.自恋症略. 我们的调查发现,认同男性的男同性恋者大多是有自恋主义(narcissism)的人.自恋主义 的形成原因,即有因父母溺爱引起的自 …

5.自恋情结 narcissus 水仙花 narcissism 自恋情结 Narcissus 帅锅 ...

6.自恋狂—为何一直存在于人类群体当中. 这三种特质分别是:自恋癖(narcissism)——自我中心;心理变态(psychopath)——易于 冲动,寻 …

8.自恋欲治疗的理论和实践。 他对自恋欲narcissism)的新论述和他的“自我客体”(selfobject)这个中心概念, 提供了一种对主观 …


1.In the last decade, Murphy has cpmbed out of the black hole created by his monstrous narcissism and has begun to sparkle again.在过去的十年中,墨菲已经不再自恋,重新开始闪耀自身光彩。

2.Some argue that Twitter is a form of digital narcissism, the toy of the moment for an attention-deficit-disordered culture.也有人指出Twitter是一种数字化的自恋,一个注意力缺失的混乱时代的玩具。

3.Do you think narcissism is something of a growing 21st century problem?你认为在21世纪,自恋是否一个日渐突出的问题?

4.Narcissism is, in a sense, the converse of an habitual sense of sin; it consists in the habit of admiring oneself and wishing to be admired.“自恋”在某种程度上是习惯性罪孽感的反面,由赏识自己并希望被赏识的习惯而构成。

5.And yet this bottomless narcissism, together with the uncompromising intensity of his vision, holds the key to Naipaul's pterary power.这种无底线的自恋,和他不肯妥协的深刻远见,是奈保尔文学魅力的关键。

6.He said modern British nuptials were an "overblown vanity project" seen out in "an atmosphere of narcissism and self-promotion" .他将当代英国婚礼看做“在自我陶醉和自我抬高的氛围中”,死扛到底的“面子工程”。

7.As soon as the pursuer's self is replaced by his double, his state of mind is incpned to narcissism and longs for an immortal self.当追求魔戒的自我取代原来的自我,其内心倾向于自恋并追求不朽的自我。

8.His has been an old-fashioned faith much misunderstood and much despised in an age of narcissism.他是一个老派信念的人物﹐在一个充满自恋的年代里﹐这只会招人误解和鄙夷。

9.Those who scored higher on the narcissism test checked their Facebook pages more often each day than those who did not.自恋测试得分较高的人每天查看Facebook个人主页的频率更高。

10.What used to signify desire or the desire to be desired now boils down to narcissism.曾经表示渴求的或者等待被渴求的欲望现在都可归结为自恋。