


美式发音: [ˈnasɔː] 英式发音: [ˈnæsɔ:]





n.1.[City]the capital of Bahamas

1.拿骚 Montreal 1 蒙特娄 Nassau 1 那骚 New Orleans 1 纽奥良 ...

5.巴哈马 Buenos Aires 阿根廷 Nassau 巴哈马 Manama 巴林 ...

6.纳索球员间常玩纳索(Nassau)三段赌注赛,一方于输两洞时即可另加赌注,但对方不一定要接受;另一种玩法则是已负两洞者必须 …

7.拿骚号拿骚号Nassau)、威斯特法仑号(Westfalen)、莱茵兰号(Rheinland)、波森号(Posen)赫尔戈兰级战列舰(Helgoland …

8.纳苏郡纳苏郡nassau)和苏教育 长岛,是一个狭长的岛屿,包含纳苏郡(Nassau)和苏福克郡(Suffolk),三面濒临大西洋,西 …


1."I knew where the boat was going, it was 8ft in the air, " she told the Supreme Court in Nassau.“我知道船要开往哪里,因为它在空中有8英尺大。”她跟拿骚高级法院说道。

2.Inside the Nassau Copseum in Uniondale, NewYork, Bob Dylan andtheBand were tuning up for a concert.在纽约州尤宁谷城拿骚体育馆内,鲍勃·狄伦和美国摇摆乐团正为音乐会上用乐器调音。

3.And since there's a Nassau county on Long Island, we won't feel so far from home.而且因为(纽约)长岛有拿索郡,我们就不会有背井离乡的感觉。

4.Ted Mosby, suit up, cause here's the plan, there's a Miss Nassau County pageant. We'll pretend to be judges and yes, our votes are for sale.特德,快穿好衣服,我都安排好了,拿骚小姐要办一个庆典,我们要扮成法官,当然,我们的投票可以拿来卖钱。

5.Sabrina Lightbourn , 37, a photographer in Nassau, the Bahamas, never second-guessed her A- cups, even in a land of bikinis .虽然身处“比基尼之都”巴哈马首都拿骚,但现年37岁的摄影师塞布丽娜•拉伊波恩从不担心自己是A罩杯。

6.mine a yellow face ? stop till you see dobbin . why , he had the yellow fever three times ; twice at nassau , and once at st . kitts.我是黄脸孔吗?你看到多宾时再开口说吧。嗯,他患了三次的黄热病;二次在纳索,一次在圣基?。

7.Hugh and I would certainly pke to see those Nassau pictures, as we think that's where we're going this winter.休和我的确很想看看拿骚的风景片,因为我们正想在今年冬天去那里访问。

8.It was late January, 1974. Inside the Nassau Copseum in Uniondale, New York, Bob Dylan and The Band were tuning for a concert.1974年1月下旬的一天,在纽约州尤宁谷城拿骚体育场内,鲍勃•狄伦和“乐队”乐队正在为音乐会上要用的乐器调音。

9.The 15. 4-acre island, also known as Rooster Cay, is only five minutes from Nassau.这个15.4英亩大的岛屿,也有人叫他RoosterCay,离拿索只有五分钟。

10.The place he's talking about is Nassau Bay, a Houston suburb favored by NASA employees because of its proximity to the Johnson Space Center.他说的这个地方就是休斯敦郊区拿骚湾(NassauBay),一个NASA员工喜欢的地方,因为离约翰逊宇航中心比较近。