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3.吉巴督自然公园山 (Medvednica) 本身大部份的地区也是国家自然公园 (Nature Park) 的范围,当中值得游览的景点包括 Veternica 洞及Zrinski …

5.生态公园 Animals Show 动物展 Place:Nature Park 生态公园 Show Bill 海报 ...


1.Greater flamingos fill the sky over Provence's Camargue Regional Nature Park, one of the first bird sanctuaries in Europe.一群大火烈鸟飞过普罗旺斯的卡玛格地区自然公园天空,这里是欧洲最初的鸟类庇护所之一。

2.The wolf is being kept at a nature park and will be released in uninhabited mountains far from the Wall, Xinhua news agency said.新华社说,目前这只狼被暂时安置在八达岭野生动物园中,未来将会在远离长城的地方放生。原文。

3.Guandu Nature Park consists of a mosaic of freshwater and brackish ponds, mudflats, marsh, rice paddies , and woodland.官渡自然公园构成的马赛克淡水和咸水池塘,泥滩,沼泽,稻田,和林地。

4.He might born master is a pet, really admire the nature park, the scene returned to the snail's pace of close to the profile.他可能天生就是个宠物高手,真佩服小斌的天性,现场还给蜗牛来了个近距离特写。

5.More milu deer are being moved to a new large nature park in Shishou in Hubei Province.更多的麋鹿正被迁往湖北石首县一处新的大型自然公园。

6.has been cultivated at a Singapore nature park, newspaper The Straits Times reports.海峡时报报道:世界上第一只雌雄同体的人工培育蝴蝶,在新加坡的自然公园被发现。

7.Also nearby is the scenic fishing port of Vila Real de Santo Antonio, and the Ria Formosa Nature Park.附近还有风景优美的渔港里尔圣安东尼市(VilaRealdeSantoAntonio)和福尔摩沙河自然公园(RiaFormosaNaturePark)。

8.Make a tourism ad for a nature park or a mountain village.作一个旅游广告给自然公园或一个山村。

9.More milu deer are being moved to a large nature park.更多麋鹿正转移到一个大的天然公园。

10.Another nature park has been built to raise more milu deer.又修建了一座自然公园以饲养更多的麋鹿。