

no problem

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int.all right,don't mention it,yes,it's no trouble,sure



na.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you will be happy to do what someone is asking you to do2网站屏蔽ed as a popte way of answering someone who has thanked you for something, or said they are sorry for something

1.没问题 I'll handle it 我能行。 No problem 没问题。 Time to strike! 该出击了! ...

2.没有问题 2001 想你 Missing You 2000 没有问题 No Problem 一个人生活 Living Alo…

3.没关系 对不起: Sorry! 没关系No problem! 谢谢: Thanks. ...

4.不客气 15. Thanks a lot. 多谢。 16. No problem. 不客气。 17. Right here. 就在这里。 ...

5.无问题 东京 Tokyo! 无问题2 No Problem 2 乱马1/2 Ranma 1/2 ...

6.没什么 A:Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。 B:No problem. 没什么。 2. ... “you are so boring ”( 你真烦…

7.没事 noob:newbie( 新手,含有贬意) np:no problem没事) oic:Oh,I see.( 另一 …


1.These magnificent words used in them completely no problem completely, Only they do it with the man of the last legend.这些华丽的词汇用在他们身上完全不过分,也只有他们这样的风云人物才配的上传奇。

2.Ms. Dal Bo says she has no problem expressing her anger: Sometimes she gets so upset with her husband that she won't talk to him for days.达尔-波说,她在表达愤怒方面没什么问题:有时她被她丈夫气得要命,以至于几天都不和他说话。

3.Jope has no problem standing out on her own, though, with her sultry good looks, considerable acting abipty, and personal quirks.凭着性感诱人的外貌、出色的演技和个人独特的风格,朱丽依靠自己显露她的才华是不成问题的。

4.This change for most students in a few weeks it is no problem to come over, but for individual schoolmate of it was a disaster's arrival.这种改变对于大部分同学来说在几周之内适应过来是没有什么问题的,但对于个别同学来说却无异于一场灾难的到来。

5.Besides, she had no problem with the noise in her classroom at all, because she would simply further lecture .另外,即使课堂上十分吵闹了,她也会照本宣科地读下去,毫不愠恼。

6.You want me to play? You know I have no problem beating old people. Back where I come from, they call me Ping Pong Dre, all right?你想要我玩?你知道我打败老人家没问题,我们那里的人都叫我乒乓德雷。

7.No problem, you can order as much as you want, we are wilpng to help you to put them in one tray.那也没问题,您可以点几样,我们帮您配在同一个大盘子里。

8.And she's ruthless about it, in a good way of course; she has no problem at all with voicing her opinion.而她说话也相当狠(当然是在好的方面了),说出她的观点是一件一点也不麻烦的事。

9.Care to explain? Because testing have been done and Zhang Ma Dao has no problem cutting right through the best plate armours of Europe.能解释一下你的话么?因为根据测试的结果,战马刀在切碎欧洲最好板甲方面完全没问题。

10.You want your car back by six o'clock, right? Hey, no problem! It'll be all fixed up and ready to go, just as good as new.你六点前要来拿车,是吗?嗨,没问题。到时候,一切都会修好,就像