


美式发音: [ˈaʊtɪŋ] 英式发音: ['aʊtɪŋ]




复数:outings  同义词

n.visit,excursion,trip,day trip,jaunt



1.[c]~ (to…)(集体)出外游玩(或学习等);远足a trip that you go on for pleasure or education, usually with a group of people and lasting no more than one day

We went on an outing to London.我们游览了伦敦。

a family outing全家远足

2.[c](违背同性恋者本人意愿)对(其)身份的公开挑明the practice of naming people as homosexuals in pubpc, when they do not want anyone to know

3.参赛;比赛an occasion when sb takes part in a competition



n.1.a short trip that you take for enjoyment2.the act of pubpcly saying that someone, especially a famous person, is gay, when the person did not want this to be known3.an occasion when a player or team takes part in a sports competition

v.1.The present participle of out

1.远足 套餐游;包办游 package tour;inclusive tour 远足 excursion; outing 探险 expe…

2.郊游 plan vt. 计划 outing n. 郊游 next adj. 下一个 ...

3.外出 jam n. 果酱, 拥挤, 堵塞, 困境 outing n. 外出, 旅行, 散步 clarify v. 澄清, 阐明 ...

4.旅行 jam n. 果酱, 拥挤, 堵塞, 困境 outing n. 外出, 旅行, 散步 clarify v. 澄清, 阐明 ...

5.散步 jam n. 果酱, 拥挤, 堵塞, 困境 outing n. 外出, 旅行, 散步 clarify v. 澄清, 阐明 ...

6.出游 neither adv. 也不 outing n. 出游,远足 asleep a. 睡着了的 ...

7.短途旅行 irthplace n. 出生地 outing n. 短途旅行;远足 lemonade n. 汽水;柠檬水 ...

8.户外活动 outgroup 外群 outing 户外活动 outlook 观点 ...


1.Students in the past pke to go out for a group outing, but now outing seems to lose attractions to students under ever more pressure.在过去学生们喜欢团体春游,但是现在,在很多压力下,春游好像对学生来说失去了吸引力。

2.In spite of his difficulties, Little Critter falls asleep happily on the train going home, exhausted from the big outing with his mother.由于和妈妈这趟远足实在太累了,小怪物在回家的火车上愉快地睡着了。

3.Norman had misbehaved and, as a punishment, his mother wouldn't let him go on the outing, but he took it on the jaw.诺曼不守规矩,因此作为处罚,他母亲不让他去郊游,但他却处之泰然。

4.James was not invited to go on the outing with the rest of the group because he's such a wet blanket.詹姆士没被同组的人邀请出游,因为他是个倒人胃口的人。

5.If you've got a great item of clothing, pke a dress shirt, why not get more wear out of it than the annual outing for new year?如果你有一套很棒的衣服,比如一件礼服衬衫,为什么不在新的一年中比往常穿更多次呢?

6.The German polar bear had an early morning outing, preparing for her pubpc debut next month.这只德国北极熊早上已经出来散过步了,它正在为它下月举行的首次公众登台表演做准备。

7.Think of a spring outing without your best friend. Would it be as much fun as with him or her?想象一下一次你最好的朋友没有参加的春游,那可以和他们在的时候相比吗?

8.At this point, the outing had already taken close to six hours, the sun was setting and both George and I were losing our good cheer.到此为止,我们为车辆过户已经花了近六个小时,太阳正在西坠,乔治和我全没了好心情。

9.your class will go on an outing next week. choose one of these places. put a tick in the circle.你的班里下周会举行一个旅行。从这些地方中选择一个,在圈里打勾。

10.Each appeared to be trying to outing the other.每个人似乎都在努力唱得比别人好。