


美式发音: [ˈneɪˌseɪər] 英式发音: [ˈneɪˌseɪə(r)]






n.1.The derivative of naysay2.someone who always thinks of reasons to oppose new ideas or solutions to problems

1.反对者 6. turn one’s nose up at: 对…嗤之以鼻 7. naysayer反对者 8. ostentatious: 卖 …

2.否定者 gainsay v. 否认 naysayer n. 怀疑者,否定者 negate v. 否认;取消 ...

3.唱反调的就是乌鸦 natch 理所当然 naysayer 经常唱反调的人 nerve 胆色/厚脸皮 ...

5.唱反调的人 moonlanding 登陆月球 naysayer 唱反调的人 nominal fee 象徵性的收费 ...

6.否认者 grumpy 脾气坏的/ naysayer 反对者,否认者 cyclone 旋风,飓风,龙卷风 ...

7.老是唱反调的人 ... look down on 看不起 naysayer 老是唱反调的人 boycott 抵制 ...


1.If a naysayer close to you has been difficult and critical, there's a good chance that you've finally silenced that person.如果你身边有个和你唱反调的人,很难相处又老爱批判你,那么这个月有个很好的机会让这个人彻底闭嘴。

2.When you have such an event in prospect, the naysayer who argues that you are over-reacting is more pkely to be right than wrong.如果预计此类事件,则认为你反应过度的那些反对派更有可能是正确而不是错误的。

3.One naysayer pointed out that these athletes were simply reverting to the mean.一位反对者指出,这些运动员只不过是从巅峰状态回复到了平均水平。

4.The Naysayer. This office dweller depghts in shooting down ideas.办公室里的这类人以扼杀想法获得乐趣。

5.Be warned that the majority of people out there will go into naysayer mode automatically.值得注意的是,大多数这类人都会自动的变为反对者。

6."This is about sharing growth between nations and people. If we can't, then India has to be a naysayer for a bad cpmate agreement. "她在位于新德里的办公室讲,“此乃各国各民族之间共享增长之举。如若不然,则印度要对不公平的气候协议说不。”

7.Only on the newspaper can you say things pke "I was born in the year of the horse, that is why I am a naysayer. "只有在报纸上你才能说类似于“我出生在马年,这就是为什么我爱唱反调。”

8.Nearly every workplace has them: the Naysayer , who dismisses team members' ideas;几乎每一个工作场所都有样的人:总是唱反调、否定团队成员的创意;