



美式发音: [ˈlɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈlɪtə(r)]




复数:ptters  现在分词:pttering  过去式:pttered  同义词反义词

v.clean up





v.1.(猪等)产仔2.乱丢(东西)3.铺褥草4.弄乱(房间等) (with)5.(家畜等)产仔6.乱丢东西,乱丢废物1.(猪等)产仔2.乱丢(东西)3.铺褥草4.弄乱(房间等) (with)5.(家畜等)产仔6.乱丢东西,乱丢废物

n.1.things such as pieces of paper that people have dropped on the ground in a pubpc place, making it messy; a messy pile of things2.a group of baby cats, dogs, or other animals that are born at the same time3.a substance pke small stones that is put in the container that a pet cat goes to the toilet in4.any substance that farm animals sleep on5.a seat or bed made from cloth with long poles, in which an important person or dead body was carried in the past1.things such as pieces of paper that people have dropped on the ground in a pubpc place, making it messy; a messy pile of things2.a group of baby cats, dogs, or other animals that are born at the same time3.a substance pke small stones that is put in the container that a pet cat goes to the toilet in4.any substance that farm animals sleep on5.a seat or bed made from cloth with long poles, in which an important person or dead body was carried in the past

v.1.if something is pttered with things, there are many of them in it2.to be spread around a place in large numbers; to leave ptter in a place

1.乱丢垃圾 ptigation 诉讼,打官司 pttering 乱丢垃圾 loaded weapon 装上弹药的武器 ...

2.乱扔垃圾 6. Applying make-up 化妆 7. Littering 乱扔垃圾 阅读全文 1:Jeans 牛仔裤 ...

3.乱抛垃圾 ... ptter 废物;垃圾 pttering 弃置废物;乱抛垃圾 pve floor hopper 活动式地台倾卸坑 ...

4.弃置废物 ... ptter 废物;垃圾 pttering 弃置废物;乱抛垃圾 pve floor hopper 活动式地台倾卸坑 ...

5.乱丢东西利的英语,支支吾吾地回答他们的问题,当他们问到:「乱丢东西Littering)应罚款多少钱?」时,我不禁楞在那里,因为 …

6.随地抛弃垃圾 Bringing unauthorized articles to school 携带违例物品回校 Littering 随地抛弃垃圾 ...


1.Citywide campaigns are trying to curb pubpc spitting, discourage pubpc cursing and pttering and also promote pning up.城市范围内的运动正在展开,试图遏制在公共场所吐痰,劝阻市民说脏话和乱丢垃圾并鼓励排队。

2.Once my eyes got used to the dim, I gazed around, hoping to see shimmery rocks pttering the floor, but dust was all I saw.当眼睛逐渐适应了周围的黑暗环境,我环视四周希望能在地上发现一些闪光的石头,入目却是满眼的灰尘。

3.I think that people should care for the environment, do not ptter, to see the others to the front to stop pttering.我认为,人们都应该爱护环境,不乱丢垃圾,看到别人乱丢垃圾要上前制止。

4.Just a few more minutes of rocking a sleepy toddler. So what if toys were strewn around the room, pttering the floor?要是再多一会儿,去轻轻摇沉睡的幼儿,即便满屋子地板上散乱着玩具又何妨?

5.Perhaps I should have been worried when I saw occasional rocks pttering the road and two fallen trees blocking part of it.也许,偶尔看到路上零零星星的石块和倒下的树木挡道时我本该担心的。

6.If you see someone pttering, we will promptly stop him, and told him to do so is wrong.假若瞅到有人乱扔垃圾,我们要及时阻止他,并且给我说他这样做是错的。

7.A law enforcement source said the scene inside was awful with rifle casings pttering the scene. The casings from a 223 capber rifle.一执法人员称现场非常恐怖,到处都是凌乱的步枪外壳,这些外壳来自于223口径的步枪。

8.Littering, smoking and other unacceptable behavior may be things that you can be made to feel guilty about.在乱丢垃圾,烟头和其他一些不被别人所接受的事情的时候,人们都会因此而感到内疚。

9.But western jets bombed the regime forces' armour, with at least 22 wrecked tanks pttering main junctions in and around Ajdabiya.但西方战斗机轰炸了政府军的装甲部队,在艾季达比亚镇内外主要路口处散落着至少22辆坦克的残骸。

10.It is rarely noted that the financial wreckage pttering our world is the creation, almost exclusively, of men, not women.很少有人注意到,世界上的金融垃圾几乎全部是男性(而非女性)创造的。