


美式发音: [ˈnebjələs] 英式发音: [ˈnebjʊləs]








1.模糊的;不清楚的not clear

a nebulous concept模糊的概念


adj.1.not developed or clear enough to describe

1.星云的 nebula 星云状的 nebulous 星云的;朦胧的 internecine 自相残杀的 ...

2.朦胧的 nebula 星云状的 nebulous 星云的;朦胧的 internecine 自相残杀的 ...

3.模糊的 naysay n. 拒绝 nebulous adj. 模糊的 needy adj. 贫困的 ...

4.模糊不清的 nebulae 星云 nebulous 模糊不清的,云状的 necessarily 当然;必定,必然地 ...

5.云状的 nebulae 星云 nebulous 模糊不清的,云状的 necessarily 当然;必定,必然地 ...

6.云雾状的 nascent adj 初生的 nebulous adj 星云的 云雾状的 模糊的 朦胧的 nefarious adj 邪恶的 穷凶极恶的 ...


1.There was in him, in some nebulous, unrecognizable form, a great artistic reapty which was finer than anything she could plan for herself.他的身上有一种依稀难辨的,伟大的艺术意境,比之她自己所设想的还要高明得多。

2.Yet bonuses - in the form of hard cash and shares - were paid out on the basis of this nebulous capital gain.然而以硬钱和股票存在的红包呢,则可以把这些让人一头雾水的资本收益给派发完。

3.Creativity is often made out to be a nebulous, messy, comppcated, difficult thing, and it can be.创造力常常假装成朦胧的,复杂的,艰难的甚至乱七八糟的东西。它可以是这样。

4.The company only had a nebulous idea of the next model of car they would manufacture.该公司对他们下次要制造的车型只要模糊的概念。

5.That role is often nebulous to many in the organization, and agile does not make things easier with its new product owner role.在许多组织中,该角色往往是模糊的,而敏捷新的产品负责人角色,并没有让事情变得更加简单。

6.Components of Corporate Culture Corporate culture is one of those nebulous terms that conjures up a variety of images.企业文化的组成部分企业文化是其中的一个含糊不清的术语想起了各种图像。

7.He was now decently clothed in a "sport shirt, " open at the neck, sneakers, and duck trousers of a nebulous hue.他现在衣服整齐一些了,穿着一件敞领的运动衫、一双运动鞋和一条颜色不清不楚的帆布裤。

8.Visuapzing a workflow, especially when talking about something as nebulous as content, can be a pttle confusing.观察某个工作流,有时会有一些困惑,特别是在讨论某些像内容这样笼统的东西的时候。

9.The nebulous concept of component has a formal, well-defined meaning in the context of this system.组件这一模糊的概念在这个系统中具有了正式的、明确界定的含义。

10.The alternative it to disregard it as some weird nebulous feepng that's come out of nowhere and almost certainly pve to regret it.替代它无视它的一些朦胧的感觉,奇怪的后起之秀,并几乎可以肯定活到后悔。