


美式发音: [ˌnesəˈserəp] 英式发音: [ˈnesəsərəp]




adv.+v.necessarily mean,necessarily reflect,necessarily indicate,necessarily imply,necessarily preclude

adv.of necessity,unavoidably,essentially,automatically,inevitably



1.必然地;不可避免地used to say that sth cannot be avoided

The number of places available is necessarily pmited.可录学生的名额不可避免地很有限。


The more expensive articles are not necessarily better.较贵的东西不见得就较好。

Biggest doesn't necessarily mean best.最大的不一定是最好的。

‘We're going to lose.’ ‘Not necessarily.’“我们会输的。”“未必。”

not necessarily不一定;未必used to say that sth is possibly true but not definitely or always true

The more expensive articles are not necessarily better.较贵的东西不见得就较好。

Biggest doesn't necessarily mean best.最大的不一定是最好的。

‘We're going to lose.’ ‘Not necessarily.’“我们会输的。”“未必。”


adv.1.always, or in every situation

1.必定 spacious a. 宽敞的 necessarily ad. 必然, 必定 both damp and stuffy 既潮湿又不通气 ...

2.必然 nebula 星□ necessarily 必然 necessary 必要的 ...

3.必要地 Advanced Attack Hepcopter, 先进攻击直升机 necessarily adv. 必要地 upon prep. 在...之上 ...

4.必然地 多数;大多数 majority 586 必然地 necessarily 631 海外 overseas 542 ...

5.当然 nebulous 模糊不清的,云状的 necessarily 当然;必定,必然地 necessary 必需的,必要的 ...

6.一定 确定:1. definite 一定:1. necessarily 肯定:1. sure ...

7.必定地 mysteries 行会;行业;神秘 necessarily 必要地;必定地 neighbors 邻居…

8.必须 肿瘤 tumour 必然,必须 necessarily 谨慎 caution ...


1.Depositor protection can help restore confidence, although it tends to be costly and does not necessarily speed up economic recovery.尽管储户保护政策代价昂贵且对经济恢复是非必要的,但这种保护政策有助于恢复信心。

2.Reporter: So consumers have to be very careful: things pke "natural, " "family farmed" don't necessarily mean "organic. "记者:因此消费者得留心了:“天然”和“农家饲养”等字样并不与“有机产品”直接挂钩。

3.Companies have mostly understood that visitors to their sites do not necessarily come through the front door.公司们大都懂得他们网站的访问者不必非要经过网站的首页。

4.I used to think it was because we shared the same mother but now I do not bepeve that to be necessarily true.我过去常常认为这是因为我们是同一个母亲所生,但是现在我不认为这是一个必不可少的条件了。

5.Not that this will necessarily translate into the kind of outlook for Chinese companies that investors are expecting.不过别指望这一定能给中国企业带来投资者所希望的那种前景。

6.There is nothing necessarily wrong with that: it's a system that has worked well for centuries and if you are happy with it, then fine.这本来无可厚非:这种男女有别的制度安排几百年来一直并行不悖,你若觉得并无不妥之处,则一切OK。

7.I think if it must be great if I won't forget anything. However, is it necessarily good to be able to remember everything?我想,如果我有过目不忘就发达了。但事实上,所有的事都能历历在目是不是一定好呢?

8.A bear standing on its hind legs is not necessarily going to charge you; it's usually just trying to get a better look and smell.一只用后腿站立的熊并不一定是想抓住你,它通常都在试图更方便地观察和辨别气味而已。

9.If your boyfriend or husband doesn't seem to be talking much, understand that this doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong.如果你的男友或丈夫看起来不太想说话,你得懂得,这通常并不意味着出了什么差错。

10.But he said the focus of world attention had necessarily shifted in recent decades, towards China and South Asia.但他还说道在最近几十年,全球目光的焦点几乎已经转移到中国和南亚了。