


美式发音: [ˈnubi] 英式发音: [ˈnjuːbi]






1.(尤指使用电脑的)新手a person who is new and has little experience in doing sth, especially in using computers


n.1.someone who has just started to use the Internet

1.新手 140. What is this?------ 这是什么意思? 143. Newbie------------- 新手. 145. just--------------- 我只是 ...

2.新人,新手 enuff=enough= 足够 17, n00b=newbie= 新人,新手;小嫩手 7, sux=suck 的第 3 人称单数形势(例句: ...

3.菜鸟 LAME- 可悲,乏味 NEWBIE- 新手,菜鸟 TYPO- 打字错误 ...

4.新手上路 ABOUNT 关于我们 NEWBIE 新手上路 ORDER 关于订购 ...

5.新手级 1.Stupid 白痴级 2.Newbie 新手级 3.Average 普通级 ...

6.图吧新手展示区 合成图片教程专区 |Compose Training 图吧新手展示区 |Newbie 性吧 | 性之人事 | 招聘区 |Recruitment ...

7.网络新手 Network Language 网络语言 251、 Newbie 网络新手 252、 Newsreader 新闻阅读器 …


1.Then each trembling newbie had to come up to the front and briefly introduce themselves.然后每个人都要颤巍巍的走到最前面去做自我介绍。

2.There was one time where this relative newbie to the scene came up to me and she called me "Yan Zi jie" (big sister).有一次在这个相对新手现场走到我面前,她叫我“燕资杰”(姐姐)。

3.Many newbie barefoot runners continue to stride as if they were in shoes, landing heavily on their heels.很多菜鸟跑步者还保持着他们穿鞋子时候的动作,重重地用脚跟着地。

4.It's okay to be *proactive as a newbie. Innovative ideas are welcome. But do not cross the line and be aggressive.作为新人,积极主动一些本无可厚非。创意点子也是多多益善,但是不要做得太过,咄咄逼人。

5.And I was shocked when the newbie arrived at the office the next morning holding a CD of Hawaiian music that contained THAT song.而第二天那个菜鸟来办公室时带来的一盘夏威夷CD中竟然有那首歌,我被震到了。

6.Your brother was a China newbie. How did doing this trip with him alter your perceptions of things?你的弟弟在中国是个新手。你和他一路同行的这段旅程如何改变了你的一些观念?

7.Oh. . . I'm such a newbie. But at least I'm sure I'll get that tennis racket.喔,我真是个网络菜鸟。不过至少我确定我会得到那支网球拍。

8.To Sandy Smith, a veteran on the Net for more than five years, the girl is only a newbie, who knows little about Net bugs ' tricks.对桑迪。史密斯那样一个上网已有五年的老手来说,那个女孩只不过是个网络新手,她对网虫们所开的玩笑几乎一无所知。

9.However, these rules of engagement are often ignored and for people choosing to relocate to a coast, well, you're a newbie.然而,这约定俗成的规则,总是被忽略,因为人们不断地迁往海边居住,可你对那边的情况一无所知。

10.I felt very uncomfortable in it but when you are a newbie, you just shut up and do as you are told.我穿着它的时候觉得很不舒服,但是当你是一个新人,你只能沉默然后按别人告诉你的去做。