


美式发音: [moʊˈtif] 英式发音: [məʊˈtiːf]



复数:motifs  同义词




1.装饰图案;装饰图形a design or a pattern used as a decoration

wallpaper with a flower motif有鲜花图案的墙纸

2.(文学作品或音乐的)主题, 主旨, 动机a subject, an idea or a phrase that is repeated and developed in a work of literature or a piece of music


n.1.a shape or pattern that is repeated in a design or decoration2.an idea, subject, or pattern that is frequently repeated in a piece of literature, art, etc.; an arrangement of notes that is repeated regularly in a piece of music

1.母题 主诉〖 chiefcomplaint〗 主题motif〗 主题歌〖 themesonginafilm〗 ...

3.基序 aperitif 开胃酒 motif (作品)主题,主旨 elf 小精灵,矮子,淘气鬼 ...

6.模序 moth proofing 防蛀 motif 图案花样;基本花纹 nap 顺逆纹 ...

8.要点 more 尚有 motif n. 主题,要点,特色 motor 电动机 ...


1.In his works, Klee has frequently used landscapes, gardens and plants as a motif. For him, there was a strong link between art and nature.在作品中,克里经常采用风景、花园以及植物作为其绘画主题。对他而言,艺术与自然有着一种强烈的联系。

2.A fuzzy puff playful motif where the ceiling is adorned with dandelion puffs seems to float and drift through the air.应用绒毛活泼主题的天花板则装饰有蒲公英的绒毛,看起来像是漂浮在空中。

3.The position and nature of the cadres training determined that the party nature education is its perpetual motif.干部培训的地位和性质决定了党性教育是其永恒的主题。

4.The layered elements become a motif for the house and is able to be seen from multiple rooms through square apertures and openings.由此,分层式结构成为了整栋住宅的设计主题,透过室外散布的方形孔洞可以窥见多个室内空间的这一主题元素。

5.The motif shows a child confined to bed, but surrounded by teddies, which symbolise security, warmth and care.本主题显示卧床的孩子,而是由泰迪熊,象征安全,温暖和关怀所包围。

6.Then the piece of paper with the motif on it will be placed on a pile of colored paper to be engraved with a knife.先在一张纸上勾勒出草图,并将图样覆在一叠彩纸上,然后用刻刀刻制完成。

7.A rectangular column with a capital and base, set into a wall as an ornamental motif.壁柱,半露柱有柱顶和底座的长方形柱子,作为装饰图案置入墙内

8.Crystals and glowing scepters (disco sticks) would become a recurring motif for her and her stylists.水晶和闪闪发光的权杖(迪斯科手杖)是GaGa和她的形象设计师常常会运用到的主题装饰。

9.If I were to write this novel the main theme, or motif, would be buried, at first, and only slowly take over .如果我写这么一篇小说,就会在开头把主题隐藏起来,然后慢慢地展开。

10.Finally, it might be possible for the DHP motif to serve as a scaffold for other pharmacological applications.最后,有可能对DHP的主题,作为其他药物的应用脚手架。