

next week

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1.Ronald unexpectedly inherited a priceless antique but it was unfortunately stolen from his house the next week.罗纳德意外地继承了一件价值连城的古董,但不幸的是,下一个星期它就从他家里被偷走了。

2.We would be very pleased if you would kindly accept this invitation and ask for your reply until the beginning of next week.我们会很高兴的,如果你想请接受了邀请,并要求对你的答复,直至下周开始。

3.He said he would be able to see me next week.他说他下个星期不能见我。

4."Greece is definitely one of my favourite events and I really want to go flat out next week and finish on top of the podium, " he said.“希腊站是我最喜欢的分站之一,我迫切想在下周的比赛开始我的比赛,还要站在领奖台的最高处。”他说道。

5.Yang: Oh, Diane, I'd appreciate it if you could help me with the presentation I'm giving next week at Radco Electronics.我下个星期在RadcoElectronics有一场演讲,假如你能帮我一个忙,我会很感激的。

6.Yes. I phoned him yesterday afternoon. He said he's coming back next week.联系上了。昨天下午我打电话给他,他说他下星期回来。

7.Of course the Arsenal striker is out with a broken foot right now and will miss Holland's games over the course of the next week.当然这位现阿森纳射手在对抗曼联的联赛中脚部受了伤,将会缺席下周荷兰队的比赛。

8.She said that they were to see their Engpsh teacher the next week.她说下个星期她们要去看她们的英语老师。

9.He said the matter would also discussed with David Cameron, the UK prime minister, on his official visit to New Delhi next week.他表示,当英国首相戴维?卡梅伦(DavidCameron)下周正式访问新德里时,他们也会讨论这一事宜。

10.Charley, good to see you! Say, let's do lunch next week. I have some idea I want you to hear. I'll ring you up to set a date.查理,见到你很高兴,喂,下星期我们一起吃午饭吧!我有些新想法想讲给你听听,我会给你打电话再约定时间的。