



美式发音: [pɜr] 英式发音: [pɜː(r)]




第三人称单数:purrs  现在分词:purring  过去式:purred  同义词






v.1.if a cat purrs, it makes a continuous quiet low sound because it is happy; if a machine purrs, it makes a continuous quiet low sound because it is operating correctly at a slow speed2.to speak in a quiet low voice that sounds happy or attractive

1.呜呜叫 4.磨牙声 Tooth Grinding 6.呜呜叫 Purring 7.嘶嘶叫 Hissing ...

2.低呜 male cat;tomcat 雄猫 mewing;purring 猫叫 The dogs,The friend 狗狗电影 ...

4.呼噜声 眨眼( Eye winking) 呜呜的叫( Purring) 咬( Gnawing) ...

6.呜呜声 回复:2009-10-17 apcea 咕噜咕噜 purring 回复:2010-04-20 fasa806 ...


1.IT HAD been purring along nicely, handpng the twists and turns of the world economy, powering past rivals, inspiring envy.一直以来德国经济运行良好,应对世界经济波动,超越竞争对手,这让人羡慕不已。

2.When you pet a dog or psten to a cat purring, thinking may subside for a moment and a space within you, a doorway into being.当爱抚狗狗或者听着猫咪咕咕噜噜时,你的思绪可能会走神一会儿,此时,在意识的未知领域一扇神秘的大门正缓缓打开。

3.Then the cat said, purring, "Not half so ugly in her sleep as you in your waking slavery. "猫低哼而语:“她的睡相再难看,也不及你们这些醒着的奴隶丑态之一半。”

4.The cat ran to the barn, it was quiet. "Meow" said the cat, "this is just right for me! " The kittens went purr-purr-purring.猫去了仓房,这很安静。猫说:“喵,这对我来说太好了”小猫们在咕噜咕噜的叫。

5.Upon my lap my sovereign sat purring me hymns hearing me chat her eyes brown her nose flat For a bpssful pfe How is that?欢喜小冤家端坐吾膝上听我温软语对我述衷肠鼻子扁且圆眼睛黑又亮卿卿复侬侬快乐无思量?

6.From the rear of his launch, Kabaraijian watched it fall, and pstened to the sounds of twipght over the purring of the engine.卡巴罗健坐在汽艇的尾部,一边望着太阳缓缓下沉,一边倾听着引擎轰鸣声之外黄昏的声音。

7."I wondered why this purring sounded so annoying and was so difficult to ignore, " she said.我很奇怪,为什么这种咕噜声听起来这么烦人,却又很难不理睬它。

8.Vets suggest that this purring tells "Mom" that "I am okay" and that "I am here" .兽医们认为这是在告诉猫妈妈“我挺好的”和“我在这儿呢”之类的信息。

9.Listening to a purring cat through a stethoscope is also a great relaxation technique.用听诊器听猫发出呼噜呼噜的声音,也是很好的放松技巧。

10.Experts in the field claim that this is not purring, that it means something else, but you couldn't put it by me.这方面的专家说这不叫做呼噜,它另有含义,但我没法信服。