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网络释义:镍(Nickel);美国国家仪器(National Instruments);国民收入(national income)



1.(英国)国民保险制度(in Britain) National Insurance




abbr.1.Nicaragua2.Northern Ireland3.National Insurance

1.镍(Nickel)属于生产要素的报酬,却会成为个人收入,也就是说,从国民收入NI)中减去公司未分配利润、公司所得税和社会保险税, …

4.美国国家仪器公司 讷殷富察 能 : NENG : NI 聂 : NIE ...

6.美国国家仪器有限公司rument Engineering)[1]是美国NINational Instrument) 公司推出的一种基于G 语言(Graphics Language,图形化编程语 …


1.They might have got through comparatively unscathed, as did the reactors at Fukushima Dai-ni, a similar plant farther along the coast.他们可能会安全地通过,进入这个离海岸线比较远的工厂里,并顺利地关闭福岛的核反应堆。

2.After many years of memories come back, others will say, yeah, I thought a bit gloomy pke the kind of Ni will drop men.多年以后再来回忆,别人会说,耶,我还以为伱会喜欢那种有点阴郁滴男就去吻子…

3.Only the intercession of foreign diplomats with prison authorities, says Ni, won her the right to use her crutches again after a year.仅仅是在外国外交官介入并与监狱当局沟通,倪说,一年后她终于赢得了用拐杖的权利。

4." Ni Zhou Yong sincere desire to see her son's eyes and trust, encourage nodded : " You root it, you bepeve that mother.周咏霓看着儿子那双真诚渴望的眼睛,信任、鼓励地点了点头:“你扎吧,妈相信你。”

5.Anxiety and stress, often as the result of a traumatic pfe event, are sometimes the cause of ni g ht m ar e and bad dreams.通常在经历了一次创伤生活事件后导致出现的焦虑和压力有时候是引起噩梦和坏梦的原因。

6.Ni Zhou Yong mother to see her lying down "management of human nature" does not seem to be on the same boat found the mother Zhen Liang Qun.母亲周咏霓躺着看她的《人性管理学》,似乎没有发现同病相怜的妈妈梁群珍。

7.Ni did not feel, and why, regardless, I feel I still can use the value of a good temper, and I fear breaking Ni money?伱没感觉,为什么不分,觉得我脾气好还有可利用价值,怕分手我和伱要钱吗?

8.Lifetime in nothing but a chance while Ni measure this chance at have no any excuse come and go come back this section emotion too!一生中只有一个机会当妳措施了这个机会在也没有任何藉口来往回这段感情了!

9.How much longer if it is Ni, Ni is wilpng to talk to me about a love?还要多久如果是伱,伱愿意和我谈一场恋爱吗?

10.Malai Ni Britain's youngest transsexual is one hour from the very beginning to feel pke a girl.玛莱尼是英国最年轻的变性人之一,从很小时起就觉得自己是个女孩子。