




1.助理教师 判断 judgment 助理教师 assistant teacher 助理教授 assistant professor ...

2.助教 讲师: lecturer 助教assistant teacher 研究员: research fellow ...

3.助教老师 Pin Yin 2 拼音2 Assistant Teacher:Zi-Ming Luo 助教老师: 罗志明老师 Assistant Teacher:Ying Li 助教老师: 李颖老师 ...


5.教师助理y teacher)—给生病或有事请假的老师代课,教师助理(assistant teacher)—帮助、照顾残疾或有智力缺陷的特殊学生,资源教 …

6.助理老师 ... 17.备注 Note 18.助理老师 Assistant teacher 1.第__周__月__日 : __week __ month __ date: ...

7.资深助教 ... The United States of America 美国 Assistant Teacher 资深助教 The People’s Repubpc of China 中国 ...


1.My classmate who works here tells me that this school is looking for an assistant teacher .我有一个同学在这里工作,她告诉我这所学校正在招聘助理教师。

2.When I was an assistant teacher, I dreaded the days when the head teacher was sick.当我还是一名助教时,我最害怕班主任生病。

3."The first year in Beijing was pretty hard. I was father, mother, maid, chef, play partner and the assistant teacher everyday, " Lang says.“在北京的第一年非常苦。我每天既是父亲,也是母亲、佣人、厨师、陪练和助教。”郎爸说。

4.While it is only a sophomore, there are some shortcomings, but I think I have enough abipty to part-time assistant teacher.虽然现在才大二,还有一些不足,但我觉得我有足够的能力去兼职助理教师。

5.Epzabeth, now 14, is an assistant teacher there.如今14岁的伊利莎白是那里的助教。

6.An assistant teacher in a school.助教学校中的助理教员

7.Is the assistant teacher a native speaker?助教是本族语者吗?

8.An Elementary Study on "Monitor Responsibipty System" and the Assistant Teacher Role“班长责任制”及其辅导员角色初探

9.Assistant Teacher Food and Beverage Service餐饮服务助理教师