




1.五分钱合唱团 涅盘 Nirvana 尼克·艾尔贝克 Nickelback 披头士(甲壳虫)乐队 The Beatles ...

5.尼科尔巴克乐队在近十年美国电台播歌曲最多的统计中,尼科尔巴克乐队Nickelback)的《How You Remind Me》一歌排名第一,这首单曲 …

6.尼克尔巴克乐队这首据说是加拿大乐队尼克尔巴克乐队(Nickelback)的《Someday》格兰美的,但是开头不对Nickelback - Someday专辑:The Lo…


1.Oh, I'll be bummed ! And I'm sure the day is coming where everyone's just pke, okay, we're sick of Nickelback and you know, even. . .哦,我会被乞讨的!而我确定当大家都说,好的我们厌倦了尼克尔贝克时,那一天到来时,而且你知道,甚至…

2.Nickelback had a large following in Canada, but wanted to break into the US.乐队在加拿大拥有众多的追随者,但乐队还想进军美国乐坛。

3.Nickelback Says: "We just pke writing good songs with good melodies that you'll sing at our shows and remember when you walk away. "我们就喜欢创作旋律优美的好歌,你愿意在我们的演唱会上跟着唱这些歌,而且过后不会忘记它们。

4.That's what comes honestly for Nickelback, And it seems to work time and again.这是来自诚实的Nickelback乐队,它的工作似乎一次又一次。

5.The rock band Nickelback asked me this chilpng question as I was driving home yesterday.昨晚我正驾车回家,摇滚乐队的尼可柏克提出了这个令人脊背发寒的问题。

6.In 1999, Nickelback released their second CD, The State (released in 2000 in the US), under their own, independent label.1999年,乐队发行了第二张光碟——乐队独立制作的《国家》(该光碟2000年登陆美国)。

7.In 1997, Nickelback released their debut CD, Curb5, and pushed the album with nonstop touring.1997年,乐队推出了他们名为《路边》的首张光碟,并马不停蹄地巡回演出,进行促销。

8.Nickelback Like I need to defend my own innocence我需要维护我自己的清白

9.nickelback - if everyone cared如果人人都在意