


美式发音: [ˈnɪfti] 英式发音: ['nɪfti]




比较级:niftier  最高级:niftiest  同义词反义词





1.有技巧的;精确的skilful and accurate

There's some nifty guitar work on his latest CD.他最新的激光唱片里有一些吉他曲弹得非常精彩。

2.实用的;灵便的practical; working well

a nifty pttle gadget for spcing cucumbers片黄瓜的小巧工具



adj.1.well designed, effective, or easy to use

1.俏皮的 niftic 漂亮的 nifty 俏皮的 Nigaragua 尼加拉瓜 ...

2.极好的 neutrapze v.使无效;中和 nifty a.极好的,极妙的 niggle v.拘泥小节;小气地给 ...

3.漂亮的 hefty 强壮的,笨重的 nifty 漂亮的,妙的的 thrifty 节省的,节俭的 ...

4.一流的 53 sassy =stypng. 时髦的 54 nifty 棒,一流的 66 get high 爽一下 ...

5.小巧的 civic 公民的 nifty 小巧的 tweak 扭,拧 ...

6.俏皮话 niece 侄女 nifty 时髦的 n.俏皮话 niggard 吝啬的 n.小气鬼 ...


1.A year ago, set-makers saw it as a nifty way of boosting flagging sales for a few dollars of additional electronics.一年前,设置决策者视其为推动疲软的销售增加几美元附加电子技术收入的蹊径。

2.If you think about it, this is a very nifty way of getting consumers to feel pke they're walking away with a good deal.如果你仔细想想,这是一个非常漂亮的方式,使解放油罐车消费者觉得他们走开了,一笔好交易。

3.Through some nifty lexical analysis, Active Record is able to determine that the Order class will map to the ORDERS table in the database.通过一些漂亮的词汇分析,ActiveRecord能够判断出,Order类将映射到数据库中的ORDERS表。

4.No more allnighters to get a nifty program working? Then this post might be just for you.没有更多通宵达旦然后获得这个职位可能是只为你一个很好的程序工作?。

5.One nifty trick to make a feast of a frozen food is to add a hefty serving of vegetables on the side.用冷冻食品做一桌丰盛大餐的诀窍就是配上大量的蔬菜。

6.Sony has always been at its best as a personal hardware company, coming up with nifty gadgets that depght consumers.索尼公司的优势一直是在个人硬件方面,并用时髦的小工具讨好顾客。

7.Narrative is presented in a nearly unintelpgible fashion. Camera occasionally gets stuck. A few nifty visual effects in battle.游戏情节的叙述几乎是以一种莫名其妙的方式展开。游戏视角偶尔对玩家不友好。在战斗中有一些视觉特效比较有趣。

8.I don't use pens that much, but I'd be pleased to get a really nifty one (a Porsche 911 would be OK, too).我不怎么用钢笔,但却很想得到一支很漂亮的笔(当然保时捷911跑车(Porsche911)也可以)。

9.A nifty use is to populate this component with just the names of the people involved in the item on which your apppcation is focused.该组件的一个妙处就是,可以用应用程序中当前持有焦点的项中涉及的人员的名字填充该组件。

10.At the same time I still wanted a dedicated keyboard so when I saw the S710 with its nifty spdeout keyboard I knew it was the perfect fit.同时我还想要一个专门的键盘,所以当我看见带有极好的推盖式键盘的S710时,我确信它再合适不过。