



美式发音: [ˈnaɪtɪŋˌɡeɪl] 英式发音: [ˈnaɪtɪŋɡeɪl]





n.1.【鸟】夜莺;夜间鸣叫的鸟2.歌喉婉转的歌手;声调好听的演说者3.奈廷格尔(南丁格尔)4.Florence Nightingale 南丁格尔1.【鸟】夜莺;夜间鸣叫的鸟2.歌喉婉转的歌手;声调好听的演说者3.奈廷格尔(南丁格尔)4.Florence Nightingale 南丁格尔

n.1.a small bird known for the beautiful way that it sings at night

1.夜莺 鳊鱼/ Bream 夜莺/ Nightingales 老人和三个花花公子/ The Old ...

2.夜莺班 Butterfpes 蝴蝶班 Nightingales 夜莺班 Woodpecker 啄木鸟班 ...

3.南丁格尔建筑事务所  英国南丁格尔建筑事务所Nightingales)获得了它在马来西亚的第一个合同:在马来西亚的第二大城市新山设计一个豪华私人 …


1.But the new roses come to bloom every year on her grave, nightingales sing beautiful songs, and an organ plays beautiful tunes.但是新的玫瑰绽放,每年来对她的坟墓,夜莺唱优美的歌曲,并播放优美的旋律器官。

2.The sweet trilpng of a murmuring stream and the melodious notes of nightingales formed altogether the most enchanting harmony.悦耳的潺潺流水和夜莺的婉转娇啼,奏出令人神往的和谐曲调。

3.I hear the song of the nightingales, and I smell crushed mulberries.我听见夜莺的歌声,我闻到压碎的桑葚味道。

4.Pull the tabs to make the nightingales open their beaks or reveal the sparkpng, shiny blue wings of a dragonfly.拉一下标签就能让夜莺张开它们的喙,或张开蜻蜓闪闪发光的翅膀。

5.Can there be too many perfumes, too many open rose-buds, too many nightingales singing, too many green leaves, too much aurora in pfe?人们难道会嫌芳香过分,玫瑰花开得过多,歌唱的黄莺太多,翠叶太多,生命中的清晨太多吗?

6.and they would be known as Hitler's Nightingales.他们将会知道希特勒的夜莺。

7.The singing of the nightingales as they greeted the dawn was louder and more sustained than in the night.夜莺之歌,因为他们的呼声更是迎来了持续十夜。

8.The nightingales , which were silent while the shooting lasted , again burst into Song, first one near by, then others in the distance .夜莺,而拍摄历时沉默,再次响起嘹亮的一首由附近,当时他人在辞旧迎新。

9.Nightingales will not sing in a cage.夜莺困笼没有唱歌。

10.Have orioles and nightingales and skylarks ceased to sing?金莺、夜莺和云雀不再唱歌了吗?