




1.日光之下无新事 Human-rights abuses 人权问题 Nothing new under the sun 日光之下无

2.天下无新事 nothing new under the sun 天下无新事 one's sun is rising 某人正发迹, 某人正在鸿运高照 ...

3.太阳底下无新鲜事 ... 134. Nothing new under the sun.( 太阳底下无新鲜事) 135. Nothing comes from nothing.( 无风不起浪;事出必有因) ...

4.指鹿为马指鹿为马 (Nothing New Under the Sun)其他著作 我失败所以我成功 刁心刁肺 香港集体回忆 Create Your Badge甚麽是骨气?


1.It rather looks as if there is nothing new under the sun and as if all change was only apparent.看起来似乎是太阳普照之下并无任何新奇之物,似乎一切变化也都仅仅是表面。

2.Solomon: No nothing new under the sun, all catch the wind; everything is catching video.所罗门王:太阳底下无新鲜事,一切都是捕风;一切都是捉影。

3.Here is nothing new under the sun. It has all been done before.世界上原来就没有什么新颖事,都是前人做过的。

4.There is nothing new under the sun. It has all been done before.这个世界上没什么新鲜的东西。都是以前有人做过的。

5.if we bepeve the expression , " there is nothing new under the sun , " creativity is remaking or recombining the old in new ways.如果我们相信这样的表达“天底下没有全新的东西”,那么创造力就是以新方式重做或重组旧事物。

6.But, as the Bible reminds us, there is nothing new under the sun.不过,正如《圣经》所言,太阳之下无新事。

7.The old saying is that there is nothing new under the sun. Even sayings are old.俗话说,太阳底下没有新鲜事,不过这些俗话也不新鲜了。

8.And there is nothing new under the sun.阳光底下并无新事。

9.There is nothing new under the sun but there are lots of old things we don't know.虽说太阳底下并无新事,但是有很多旧事我们还不了解。

10.There is nothing new under the sun.太阳底下没有新鲜事。