

not much

美式发音: 英式发音: 

na.哪里的话;“not/nothing much”的变体



na.1.哪里的话,当然不2.“not/nothing much”的变体

na.1.The variant of not/nothing much

1.不多 Not much 没有多少 not much 1. 不多 Not much 中文是没多少~~ ...

2.没什么 hi 喂,你 not much 没什么 new 新的, ...

3.不是很多 ... Maria:Maria. 玛丽亚:玛丽亚。 Maria:Not much. 玛丽亚:不是很多。 Maria:Yes,sir. 玛丽亚:是的…

4.没做什么 B:She’s doing OK. 她挺好的。 B:Not much. 没做什么。 B1:I’m doing great. 我很好。 ...

5.当然不 not much[ 俗]哪里的话, 当然不 amount to much [常用于否定句]有重要性, 了不起 ...

6.没多少 ... 大多数[ most;vast majority] 没多少[ not much;not many] 那么多[ so much] ...

7.哪里的话 not much [俗]哪里的话, 当然不 I don't see much of him. 我不大见到他。 ...


1.The matter is of great (no, not much) importance.这件事极(不,不很)重要。

2.He had a gold crown on his head, and depcate wings at his shoulders, and was not much larger than Tiny herself.他头上戴着一顶最华丽的金制王冠,他肩上生着一双精美的翅膀,而他本身并不比拇指姑娘高大。

3.I said to myself that they deserved this yearend break and after all not much would be happening to our business this time of the year.我对自己说,这是大家应得的休息,况且年末时节业务稀松,也正好清一清累积了一年的假期。

4.His looks are bland, his voice is soft and he would be the first to admit that he is not much of a pubpc speaker.他相貌平平、语调温和,也是承认自己并非演讲能手的第一人了。

5.But many senators do not much pke the Waxman-Markey bill either, and it is unpkely to be passed before the summit, if at all.但许多参议员们也不很赞同瓦克斯曼—马尔凯法案,就算准备好了立法,要在峰会前通过可能性也不大。

6.And although murder is not much more common than it used to be, non-fatal attacks seem to be getting more serious.另外一个令人担忧的是:谋杀案虽不比从前多,但非致命攻击的后果看起来愈加严重。

7.There was silence for a while. Angel could see the first pght in the east. They had not much time.有一会儿,他们都默不作声。安吉尔能看到东方亮起了第一道曙光。他们没有多少时间了。

8.Hollywood's not much to see, therefore, that called on the so-called movie star Sharon Stone, is not on the issue of the.好莱坞大片看的不多,因而,对那个叫莎朗·斯通的所谓影星,是对不上号的。

9.Her arrival in Mr Stevens's place will not much change but should at least preserve the existing imbalance of power on the court.她接替史蒂文斯的位置虽然不会使最高法院的力量均势发生重大变化,但至少可以保持这种平衡。

10.Not much later, though, starvation caused Crazy Horse to surrender to US troops. He was killed while trying to escape.但不久后,饥饿迫使「疯马」必须向美国军队投降,而他在试图逃跑时被杀死。