



美式发音: [ˈstraɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈstraɪkə(r)]



复数:strikers  同义词

n.picket,picketer,demonstrator,protester,football player



n.1.a worker who is taking part in a strike2.a soccer player whose main job or skill is scoring goals

1.打击者的武器从火箭到机器人都是前所未见的。世界迅速组建了一队由飞行员和飞机组成的团体,名为 “打击者”(Strikers), 并以铲 …

2.中锋 Vital Skills 重要属性 Strikers 中锋 Vital Skill 重要属性 ...

3.罢工者 A. thieves--- 小偷 C. strikers--- 罢工者 D. embargo--- 禁运 ...

4.普威尔国际股份有限公司 ... 简郁静 goodbads 转了个转 strikers 阿布卡卡 salking ...

6.清渠无源 ... 古风暴 pstrong90772 清渠无源 strikers 幻蓝星晨 ms08yu ...


1.It also means that us strikers need to be ready to receive the ball at any moment.这还意味着,我们前锋需要随时准备迎接他们的传球。

2."With Wayne as well, we have four strikers so I am not looking at a situation where I have to add to that number, " he said.“算上鲁尼,我们有四个前锋,我不会忽视这种情况而再做出增援决定!”爵爷继续阐述他的观点。

3.The governor pondering the matter, more strikers gathered across his path.总督思考问题时,更多的罢工工人聚集在他要通过的路上

4.You know Fernando is one of the best strikers in the world and I'm sure he'll prove that for Chelsea.费尔南多是当今足坛最优秀的射手之一,我相信他在切尔西同样会证明这一点。

5.Yet at least since 1968 (some would go back further, to 1789), strikers and demonstrators have had an almost mystical status in France.然而至少从1968年开始(有的人认为可以追溯到1789年),罢工和游行就一直在法国起着神秘的政治作用。

6.In interpreting this posted-workers directive, the court came down in favour of the Latvian firm, and against Swedish strikers.在解释“派驻劳工”指引时,该法院也支持拉脱维亚公司,反对瑞典的罢工工人。

7.And Martin O'Neill told me that without any replacement, he would not let me go as he would not have any strikers left.而教练马丁奥尼尔告诉我说,如果没有球员与之交换,他是不会放我走的。因为一旦我走了,维拉就没有射手了。

8.One of the strikers here in Zhongshan, who is in his early 20s, said he had been using computers since the age of 7.中山的一个接近20岁的罢工者说,他在7岁时就已经使用电脑了。

9."He's one of the best strikers in the world and just playing with him means you're always going to learn so much, " continued Danny.“他是世界上最好的射手之一,在他身边踢球意味着你总能学到很多。”维尔贝克说。

10.The strikers were in a miptant mood, ie ready to take strong action.罢工者群情激奋(随时准备采取激烈行动)。