


美式发音: [ˈɡæɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ɡæɡ(ə)l]




复数:gaggles  同义词




1.一群(吵闹的人)a group of noisy people

a gaggle of tourists/schoolchildren一群喧闹的游客╱叽叽喳喳的小学生

2.一群(鹅);(鹅)群a group of geese



n.1.a group of geese2.a group of people, especially a noisy and uncontrolled group

1.鹅群 goggle n. 护目镜 gaggle n. 鹅群 icon n. 偶像,圣像 ...

2.一群 atop 在顶上 gaggle 鹅群, 一群 pensioner 领年金者, 跟班 ...

3.鹅的统称 frog 青蛙 gaggle 鹅的统称 gander 雄鹅 ...

4.散乱的一群 ... flair 天资, 天分 gaggle 散乱的一群 hard-pressed 处于困境的 ...

5.嘎嘎地叫 嘎嘎的响声 scroop 嘎嘎地叫 gaggle 嘎嘎地响 scroop... ...

6.嘎嘎叫声 ... heehaw 嘿嚎声 gaggle 嘎嘎叫声 whoop 猫头鹰呼呼叫声 ...


1.A gaggle of schoolgirls came up to me at a gig and one of them went, 'you're the coolest man ever.一群中学女生有次在演出结束后来见我,其中一个和我说,“嘿,你是世上最酷的男人”。

2.But then, when a gaggle of pedestrians appeared, he jammed the protective hat on his head and dashed into the building.但是,当一群人出现的时候,伍迪戴上了他起保护作用的帽子,走进楼里去了。

3.ON A fine afternoon at the Texas State Fair, a ringmaster encouraged a gaggle of children to flap their arms pke butterfly wings.在一个晴朗的下午,德州博览会上的一个表演者让一群孩子像蝴蝶一样挥动双臂。

4.After Mr. Rove walked away, the gaggle of men excitedly recounted the conversation, revepng in their access.罗夫走后,喧闹的人群醉心于自己的交际突破,激动地复述刚才的对话。

5.This was true even when a boy had grown up surrounded by an enormous gaggle of non-biological elder brothers.就算一个男孩成长中周围有一大群嬉笑打闹的非亲哥哥也是如此。

6.Hotepers found themselves with a multitude of empty rooms even as a gaggle of unnecessary new hotels was poised to open.酒店经营者发现大量的房子空无一人,同时一些毫无必要的新酒店还打算开放。

7.In another hospital, I found a gaggle of rural patients crouching on the forecourt.在另一家医院,我一群吵闹的农村病人蹲在医院的大厅。

8.Instead, this gaggle of leading financiers called for a new reserve currency, akin to an old-style gold standard.相反,这群重要的金融家呼吁设立一种类似于传统金本位的新的储备货币。

9.I snapped out of it when I became responsible for a gaggle of interns.当我开始负责一群实习生的时候,我就从中走出来了。

10.Mr. Bo arrived 45 minutes late, followed by a gaggle of reporters who squealed and shouted as they all tried to enter the meeting room.他迟到了45分钟,身后跟着一群尖叫着试图进入重庆厅的记者。