


美式发音: [əˈkeɪʒən(ə)l] 英式发音: [əˈkeɪʒ(ə)nəl]








1.偶尔的;偶然的;临时的happening or done sometimes but not often

He works for us on an occasional basis.他在我们这里做临时工。

I enjoy the occasional glass of wine.我喜欢偶尔喝一杯葡萄酒。

He spent five years in Paris, with occasional visits to Italy.他在巴黎待过五年,偶尔去一去意大利。

an occasional smoker(= a person who smokes, but not often)偶尔吸烟的人


adj.1.happening sometimes, but not frequently or regularly

1.偶然的 OCC:Options Clearing Corporation 选择权清算公司 occ:occasional 偶然的 occ:occlusion 闭塞,阻塞,牙合,咬合 ...

2.偶尔的 obvious 显然的,明显的 occasional 偶尔的,间或发生的 o'clock 点钟 ...

3.临时的 occasional survey 临时检验 occasional 临时的 occasional 偶然的 ...

4.特殊场合的 obvious 明显的,显而易见的 occasional 偶然的,特殊场合的 occupy 占,占用,占 …

5.非经常的 occasion n. 场合,时机 occasional adj. 偶然的,非经常的 occupation n. 职业,占领 ...


1.Although there was an occasional classic French, or a semblance of Itapan, by and large it was a gastronomic desert.虽然偶尔也有不错的法国菜餐馆,或勉强算是意大利菜的餐馆,但这里基本上还是一个美食荒漠。

2.Of course, he'd get a scolding for his occasional splurging, but it was all done with the best intention.当然,他会因为乱花钱而被指责,但所有这一切都带着良好的意图。

3.The swishing noise was punctuated by an occasional rooster's crow or the bleat of a white goat scrambpng up the yellow honeycombed hills.挥动扫帚的嗖嗖声音不时被偶尔的公鸡啼鸣或混杂着的黄色星空状山坡上白山羊的叫声所打断。

4.Insomnia is not harmful if it is only occasional; the body is readily restored by a few hours of extra sleep.偶尔的失眠对人体并没有害处,人们只需要额外的几小时睡眠就可以恢复过来。

5.It was the kind of place that drew a steady crowd of mercenaries and hoodlums , with the occasional ruffian thrown in for flavor.这里就是那种会固定吸引一群佣兵和暴力份子的地方,偶尔还会有无赖跑进来插花。

6.Volcker, an occasional adviser to President Barack Obama as Chairman of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, said the U.沃尔克有时候作为白宫经济复苏顾问委员会(EconomicRecoveryAdvisoryBoard)主席为美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)提供咨询。

7.The rest of your interests may not need that much attention. They might be perfectly satisfied with an occasional trip to the playground.你其他的兴趣爱好可能不需要过多关注。它们也许刚好满足你临时去趟运动场的需求。

8.And despite some occasional wobbles, Barack Obama's administration ultimately came down on the side of the demonstrators.尽管有一些摇摆,但是奥巴马政府最终还是站在了示威者一边。

9.But for the estimated 30% of American adults who suffer from at least occasional insomnia, nightfall is no guarantee of slumber.但是据估计,30%的美国成年人都受到失眠困扰——至少有时候是这样。夜幕降临,未必就带来酣睡。

10.He had a hepcopter landing pad built on the ship which enabled him to fly in for an occasional hour or two of filming.他有一架停于船上停机坪的直升机,这使他能偶尔飞行1到2小时拍镜头。