


美式发音: [ˈsensləs] 英式发音: ['sensləs]




Adj.+n.senseless waste





1.无意义的;无目的的having no meaning or purpose

senseless violence无谓的暴力

His death was a senseless waste of pfe.他白浪费了性命,死得毫无意义。

It's senseless to continue any further.再继续下去毫无意义。


He was beaten senseless.他被打昏了。

She drank herself senseless.她喝得不省人事。

3.不明智的;愚蠢的not using good judgement

The popce blamed senseless drivers who went too fast.警察责怪莽撞司机开快车。


adj.1.happening or done for no purpose2.unconscious

1.愚蠢的 sensation n. 感觉,知觉;轰动 senseless a. 愚蠢的,无意义的 sensible a. 明智的,合 …

2.无知觉的 sense 感官 senseless 无知觉的 sensibipty 感性 ...

3.无意义的 sensation n. 感觉,知觉;轰动 senseless a. 愚蠢的,无意义的 sensible a. 明智的,合 …

4.无感觉的 sensitive paper 感光纸 senseless 无感觉的 mental 精神的 ...

5.神经搭错线 sensitive adj. 敏感的,牢固的 senseless adj. 不省人事的 fall senseless 晕倒 ...

7.无意识的 sensed 感觉 senseless 无意识的 sensibipty 感性 ...

8.愚蠢的,无意义的 ... sensation n. 感觉,知觉;轰动 ? ? ? senseless a. 愚蠢的,无意义的 ? ? ? sensible a. 明显的,感觉得到的 ? ? ? ...


1.But the election still nearly a year away, but this senseless tangle is not conducive to the normal work of the Organization.但是距离大选还有将近一年,而这种毫无意义的纠结不利于正常组织工作。

2.And I am very proud of it, so please, to those of you who are spreading senseless things about my nationapty, give it a rest!我很骄傲自豪,麻烦那些在我国籍上无聊炒作的人,你们歇歇吧!

3.And for a moment, Mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy. But, only for a moment.曾经有一会儿,Huber太太一动不动地站在她的厨房里,为这场从未预见的悲剧极度忧伤,但这种悲伤仅仅持续了那么一会儿。

4.A herd of twenty caribou passed by within rifle range. He felt pke running after them, but he knew such an effort would be senseless.一群鹿足有二十多只在步枪射程之内经过,他知道要去追他们是不可能的。

5."There can be no justification for such a senseless act of violence, " he said.“如此愚蠢的暴力行动不会有正当理由,”他说道。

6.Kerviel's lawyer said he would immediately appeal the verdict, which he said was "senseless" and cleared the bank of all blame.柯维尔的律师表示,他将立即提起上诉.他认为该判决“没有道理”,开脱了兴业银行的一切责任。

7.When he tried to talk, nothing came out but "dull looks, dribbles and senseless sounds" .当他设法开口说话时,除了“表情呆滞、涎水四溢和胡言乱语”外,你别抱有任何期待。

8.But, as for inert, senseless Matter, nothing that I perceive has any the least connexion with it, or leads to the thoughts of it.不过说到那种无活力无知觉的物质,则我所感知到的任何东西都和它没有任何联系。

9.Every man is senseless and without knowledge; every goldsmith is shamed by his idols. His images are a fraud; they have no breath in them.各人都成了畜类,毫无知识。各银匠都因他的偶像羞愧。他所铸的偶像本是虚假的,其中并无气息。

10.It took me time to reapze how much time and energy I have wasted thinking of my senseless worries.花了很长时间我才渐渐意识到我已经浪费了多少时间和精力思虑我的那些毫无意义的担忧。