


美式发音: [ˌoʊkəˈnaʊwə] 英式发音: [ˌəukiˈnɑ:wə]





un.1.city on south central Okinawa Island, Japan.2.largest of the Ryukyu Islands in southwestern Japan, between the East China Sea and the North Pacific Ocean.

1.冲绳 NORWAY 挪威 50 230V OKINAWA 琉球 60 100V PAKISTAN 巴基斯坦 50 220V ...

4.冲绳县冲绳县 冲绳县Okinawa) 概况   县长:(现任县知事)[2] 仲井真弘   面积:去掉水域面积 2,273.41 平方公里   人口: (2005年5 …

5.冲绳之旅< 前一篇冲绳之旅Okinawa)1后一篇 >冲绳之旅(Okinawa)3 发现可爱的冰激凌店,买个蛋筒顺便问个路。

6.冲绳本岛作为日本最南端之冲绳县的县治,那霸就位於冲绳本岛(Okinawa)的西南角,面临东中国海、拥有良好的深水港,自古以来就是 …


1.In a 2006 agreement, the facipty was to be relocated to a less populous site on Okinawa, but a suitable site has not been agreed to.根据2006年的一项协议,该设施将迁移到冲绳岛人口较少的一个地址,但合适地点尚未商定。

2.If the Okinawa dispute was an isolated incident it might be taken as a bit of an accident, stemming as it did from a campaign promise.如果冲绳岛纠纷是一起孤立事件,我们某种程度上或许会把它视为一个偶发事件,源自于一个竞选承诺——这也的确是实情。

3.The change had brought with it a new headache over the Okinawa bases.在日本民主党上台后,围绕冲绳美军基地问题两国产生了摩擦。

4.Sin said that blaming North Korea caused the Japanese government to reverse a decision to ask the U. S. base on Okinawa to leave.申善浩说,把事件归咎于朝鲜,促使日本政府撤回了要求搬迁前述美军驻冲绳基地的决定。

5.D. Japanese officials also told the U. S. that it would be in the U. S. interest to return Okinawa to Japan.日本官方也告诉美方:冲绳归还日本,将会是美国利益。

6.What would solve the problem, she says, is for the U. S. miptary to leave Okinawa.她说,解决问题的办法是美军撤离冲绳。

7.She hastened to add, however, that it alone did not justify the concentration of U. S. forces and facipties in Okinawa. '但她又急忙补充说,仅凭这一事件并不足以证明美国军队和美军设施集中在冲绳是合理的。

8.For the word "Hondo" , the Okinawa People of Japan have their own usage and understanding, which are beyond the meaning of the word itself.对‘本土’一词,日本冲绳人在使用与理解上赋予了超出词义本身的含义。

9.This may be a bit off topic, but you were born in Okinawa, right?这个问题也许有点跑题了,但你是出生于冲绳的,对吗?

10.It was my first time visiting Okinawa. There was a storm on the day of the concert so I had a rough time during my stay there.那是我第一次去冲绳,演唱会那天正好遇到暴风雨,所以当时吃了不少苦头。