


美式发音: [oʊ'keɪ] 英式发音: [.əʊ'keɪ]

网络释义:奥卡斯;组织知识服务(Organization Knowledge Service);迪威

第三人称单数:OK’s  现在分词:OK’ing  过去式:OK’d  同义词




1.对;好;行yes; all right

‘Shall we go for a walk?’ ‘OK.’“咱们去散散步,好不好?”“好。”

2.(用以引起注意或引入话题)好了,对了used to attract sb's attention or to introduce a comment

Okay, let's go.好了,咱们走吧。

3.(用于弄清别人是否赞同或明白)好吗,行不used to check that sb agrees with you or understands you

The meeting's at 2, OK?两点开会,明白吗?

I'll do it my way, OK?我想用我的方式做,行吗?

4.(用以制止对方争辩或批评)得了,行了,好了used to stop people arguing with you or criticizing you

OK, so I was wrong. I'm sorry.行了,是我不对。对不起。


1.安然无恙;平安;快活safe and well; in a calm or happy state

Are you OK?你没事吧?

2.~ (for sb) (to do sth)可以;可行;尚可;不错all right; acceptable; in an acceptable way

Is it OK if I leave now?我现在离开,可以吗?

Is it OK for me to come too?我也去,行吗?

Does my hair look okay?我的头发还看得过去吗?

I think I did OK in the exam.我觉得我考得还可以。

Whatever you decide, it's okay by me .无论你怎么决定对我来说都行。

an okay movie一部不错的电影



I'm still waiting for the boss to give me the OK.我还在等上司点头呢。


1.(informal)~ sth正式批准;同意to officially agree to sth or allow it to happen

She filled in an expenses claim and her manager OK'd it.她填写了一张费用申请单,她的经理批准了。



v.1.(O.K.'d) 签上 O.K.;(签上 O.K.)承认,同意;批准;核准

adj.1.satisfactory. This word often shows that you think that something is not as good as it could or should be2.allowed, appropriate, or not pkely to make you upset3.not injured, damaged, sick, or upset4.if someone is OK, you pke them or respect them1.satisfactory. This word often shows that you think that something is not as good as it could or should be2.allowed, appropriate, or not pkely to make you upset3.not injured, damaged, sick, or upset4.if someone is OK, you pke them or respect them

v.1.to give permission or approval for something to happen

int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you agree with something, approve of it, or understand it; used for asking if someone agrees with what you have just said, or if he or she understands it2网站屏蔽ed when you want to start talking about something or want to continue discussing it after a pause3网站屏蔽ed when you want someone to stop arguing with you or criticizing you. This word often shows that you accept what they are saying but do not think it is important; used for showing that you are ready to end a conversation, especially on the telephone


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