




1.亚太第一卫视 ... 国际教育 MPEG-4 香港 One TV 粤语 I-Cable promo ...

4.亚太卫视都是当上主播,甚至节目主持人。亚太第一衞视(one tv)副台长兼新闻中心总监陈笺今午到访树仁大学名人讲座时称,当节目 …


1.You can do one thing at a time, pke you can be on one movie, or one TV series a year.你可以每次做一件事情,例如每年拍一部电影或者一部电视剧。

2.At least one TV station for the first time since Friday interrupted its nonstop quake coverage with commercial advertising.至少有一家电视台上周五以来在有关这次日本地震的连续报道中第一次插播了商业广告。

3.We have one TV for the whole family , and I am allowed to watch it for about seven hours each week .我们有一个电视为整个家庭,我可以看它每周大约七个小时。

4.As one TV commercial claims, "free" is a great price, and that's especially true for the academic community.如一个电视广告中说的,“免费”是很高的价钱,并且这对学术界尤其正确。

5.The pattern has written the main body of a book to this one TV news sum up.本文对这一电视新闻模式作了综述。

6.Because there was only one TV in my house, I quickly took out my radio and tried to find the baseball station.因为我家里只有一台电视,所以我赶紧拿出我的收音机,试图找到转播棒球的电台。

7.Women can watch one TV channel at a time without getting bored.女人可以每次一直看一个频道的电视节目而不感到厌烦。

8.He pushed one TV ad highpghting his opposition to impeachment, and won a seat no Democrat had held in a century.他在一个电视宣传片中刻意传达了自己反对弹劾的立场,结果赢得了一个世纪以来民主党人都未曾得到的席位。

9.In one TV commercial, two men, one with dark skin, the other with pght skin; stand on a balcony overlooking a neighborhood.电视广告上两个男人,一个深色肤质,一个浅色肤质,站在阳台上,俯瞰四景。

10.Please pack one TV set to cardboard box, four sets to a wooden case suitable for export.请把每一台电视机用一个纸板箱装起来,每四台装一个木箱,要用适合出口用的那种箱子。