




1.最终幻想 ... DISSIDIA 012 FINAL FANTASY 最终幻想(太空战士):纷争2 dissidia-012-final-fantasy 最终幻想(太 ...


1.Previous Final Fantasy titles have done this fairly well, so we'd love to see that on the PS3.早先最后的幻想标题相当好地做了此,因此我们会愿意看那在PS3。

2.Cosplayer "Ran" says it took about half a year of on-and-off work to create her costume, the Warrior of Light from Dissidia Final Fantasy.Cosplayer“Ran”说她花了断断续续将近半年时间来制作她的戏服,《最终幻想:纷争》的光战士。

3.Rikku, Final Fantasy X And Xe's got a bright personapty, great sense of humor and plenty of abipties. Plus, she 's totally cute.她是一个乐观的人,而且很有幽默感,也有很多技能,当然更要提的是,她实在是太可爱了。

4.A: Our plan from the beginning was to make the best Final Fantasy game available.答:我们最初的想法是做出最好的最终幻想。

5."Shino" plays Bartz from Final Fantasy V, a character she said she loves.“Shino”扮演游戏《最终幻想5》里的一个她所爱的角色—巴兹。

6.Final Fantasy sets the bar so high that it is always at the forefront in the gaming world.最终幻想所带来的高度,使它一直作为游戏行业的标杆而存在。

7.Furthermore, this would enable Final Fantasy enthusiasts to finally get back behind the broad, wooden wheel of an airship.此外,这将使最后的幻想热心者在飞艇的宽广,木轮子之后最后恢复。

8.Yes. This has been true of every Final Fantasy game.最终幻想游戏好像一直是这样搞的。

9.If you want to hear the music of Final Fantasy in concert, 2010 could be your chance.如果你想在音乐厅里聆听最终幻想系列的音乐,2010年将会是你的最佳时机了。

10.Capable of producing multiplayer games with similar graphics to early Final Fantasy games.有能力去制作多人游戏使用类似的图像类似早期的最终幻想。