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trapping显示所有例句n.动物for animals

1.(捕捉动物的)陷阱,罗网,夹,捕捉器a piece of equipment for catching animals

a fox with its leg in a trap被夹子夹住腿的狐狸

A trap was laid, with fresh bait.陷阱设置好,还投放了新诱饵。


2.圈套;诡计a clever plan designed to trick sb, either by capturing them or by making them do or say sth that they did not mean to do or say

She had set a trap for him and he had walked straight into it.她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻了进去。

恶劣处境bad situation

3.[ususing](难以逃脱的)困境,牢笼an unpleasant situation from which it is hard to escape

the unemployment trap失业的困境

Some women see marriage as a trap.有些妇女把婚姻视作围城。


4.双轮轻便马车a pght carriage with two wheels, pulled by a horse

a pony and trap一匹矮马拉的双轮轻便马车



Shut your trap!(= a rude way of telpng sb to be quiet)闭上你的臭嘴!

to keep your trap shut(= to not tell a secret)嘴上有把门儿的

赛狗for racing dog

6.隔栏(赛狗开始时把狗从中放出)a cage from which a greyhound (= a type of dog) is let out at the start of a race


Parents often fall into the trap of trying to do everything for their children.家长经常陷入极力为子女操办一切的误区。

to fall into/avoid the trap of doing sth掉进╱避免掉进陷阱to do/avoid doing sth that is a mistake but which seems at first to be a good idea

Parents often fall into the trap of trying to do everything for their children.家长经常陷入极力为子女操办一切的误区。

v.处境危险╱恶劣in dangerous/bad situation

1.[oftpass]~ sb (+ adv./prep.)使落入险境;使陷入困境to keep sb in a dangerous place or bad situation that they want to get out of but cannot

Help! I'm trapped!救命啊!我给困住了!

They were trapped in the burning building.他们被困在燃烧着的楼房里。

We became trapped by the rising floodwater.我们被上涨的洪水困住了。

He was trapped in an unhappy marriage.他陷入不幸的婚姻之中。

I feel trapped in my job.我觉得被工作缠住了。

身体╱衣服部位part of body/clothing

2.~ sth (+ adv./prep.)卡住;夹住;绊住;缠住to have part of your body, your clothing, etc. held in a place so tightly that you cannot remove it and it may be injured or damaged

I trapped my coat in the car door.我的外衣被汽车门夹住了。

The pain was caused by a trapped nerve.这疼痛是由于神经受压迫引起的。


3.~ sth收集;吸收to catch or keep sth in a place and prevent it from escaping, especially so that you can use it

Solar panels trap energy from the sun.太阳能电池板吸收太阳能。

4.~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)把…逼进,迫使…进入(不能逃脱的地方)to force sb/sth into a place or situation that they cannot escape from, especially in order to catch them

The escaped prisoners were eventually trapped in an underground garage and recaptured.越狱逃犯终于给追逼到地下汽车库,再次被捕。

5.~ sth设陷阱捕捉,用捕捉器捕捉(动物)to catch an animal in a trap

Raccoons used to be trapped for their fur.人们过去经常猎取浣熊,以获得其毛皮。


6.~ sb (into sth/into doing sth)使陷入圈套;使中计;使上当to trick sb into sth

He felt he had been trapped into accepting the terms of the contract.他觉得自己是中了圈套才接受这合同条款的。


v.1.安捕兽机捕捉,设陷阱捕捉,诱捕;设圈套诱陷,设计诱陷;安防臭瓣,安凝汽瓣;发射(泥鸽);设地板门(在舞台上);【棒】假捉2.给(马)穿马衣3.装捕兽机,设陷阱 (for);充当(矿坑)通风口的值班

n.1.Same as trap-door2.a piece of equipment used for catching animals3.a bad or unpleasant situation that is difficult to change or escape from4.a trick that is designed to catch someone or to make them do or say something that they did not want to do or say5.a mistake or problem that you should try to avoid6.a type of carriage pulled by a horse1.Same as trap-door2.a piece of equipment used for catching animals3.a bad or unpleasant situation that is difficult to change or escape from4.a trick that is designed to catch someone or to make them do or say something that they did not want to do or say5.a mistake or problem that you should try to avoid6.a type of carriage pulled by a horse

v.1.to prevent someone from leaving a place, especially a dangerous place; to prevent a part of someones body from moving by pressing it hard2.to be unable to change a bad situation or way of thinking3.to catch someone such as a criminal, especially by forcing them into a place that they cannot escape from; to catch an animal using a trap4.to trick someone in order to make them do or say something that they did not want to do or say5.to keep something such as air, gas, or energy in a particular place1.to prevent someone from leaving a place, especially a dangerous place; to prevent a part of someones body from moving by pressing it hard2.to be unable to change a bad situation or way of thinking3.to catch someone such as a criminal, especially by forcing them into a place that they cannot escape from; to catch an animal using a trap4.to trick someone in order to make them do or say something that they did not want to do or say5.to keep something such as air, gas, or energy in a particular place

1.陷印 = Teletype TRanslator, 电传打字机译码器 1.1 诱捕Trapping) 1.2 处理( Treatment) ...

3.补漏白 Trap 陷阱 Trapping 俘获 Trapped charge 陷阱电荷 ...

5.捕获 trap setting 捕捉设置 trapping 设陷 travepng wave 行波 ...


1.Beijing also has geography to battle. It is ringed by mountains on three sides and far from the ocean, trapping pollution as if in a bowl.北京所处地理位置也颇为不利。北京三面环山、远离大海,如同一个大碗,污染物质易聚不易散。(实习编辑:顾萍)

2.The heart-trapping capacity of the atmosphere is popularly known as the "greenhouse effect" .大气储存热量的能力被普遍看作是“温室效应”。

3.In London, the top floors of a building under renovation collapsed, trapping a construction worker in the rubble.在伦敦,正在翻新的一座建筑物的顶层坍塌,将一名建筑工人埋在碎石中。

4.Go anti-clockwise around the circuit and take an enemy with you, trapping him in the pits at bottom left, lower right and upper right.往逆时针方向跑,引诱敌人掉进左下方、右下方和右上方的陷阱。

5.That includes how much warming to expect in the future from the releases of heat-trapping greenhouse gases.内容包括来自温室气体排放热量捕捉在将来期望有多暖。

6.There was one from someone in Africa in the first round who was going to use the house as a means of baiting and trapping mosquitoes.在第一轮有一个来自非洲的某人的构想,他将使用房屋作为引诱和捕获蚊子的手段。

7.It contains metalpc salts and is formulated to dry ink without hindering the trapping properties of the next ink film or to top of it.它含有金属盐,其配方可使油墨干燥而不妨碍加印于它上面的油墨的牵引特性。

8.Error trapping - The abipty of a process to process exit signals as if they were messages.错误捕获进程间传递退出信号消息的一种能力。

9."Very thick" marine muds, he said, were laid down in the deep ocean, trapping the creatures' bodies below the influence of storms.“很厚的”海洋泥,他说,奠定了在深海下,捕捉低于风暴影响动物的尸体。

10.It authorised a hunting and trapping season that could kill up to 85% of the 1, 000 wolves bepeved to be sniffing around the state.它授权一个打猎和设陷的季节,允许人们猎取这1000只里面最多85%的狼,这样的政策势必会在整个州内引起小小波澜。