


美式发音: [ˈfɔrəstri] 英式发音: [ˈfɒrɪstri]





1.林学;林业the science or practice of planting and taking care of trees and forests


n.1.the science of caring for forests, and the trees and other plants that grow in them

1.林业 林下〖 retirement〗 林业forestry〗 林荫道〖 avenue;boulevard〗 ...

2.林学 bigotry 顽固,偏执 forestry 林学,林业 chemistry 化学 ...

3.森林学 辅导 Counselpng 森林学 Forestry 木料工艺 Wood ...

4.林产 邻井 ||offset/adjacent well 林产 ||forestry 淋洗量 ||wash out amount ...

5.林地 Forestry Congress 林业会议 forestry 林地 fork truck 叉式起重车 ...

6.林业学 社会服务( Social Work ) 林业学Forestry ) 教育学( Education ) ...

7.森林学院 师范学院 Education 森林学院 Forestry 健康与医药学院 Health & Medic…


1.As one of forestry six engineering, commodity forest construction engineering is going to be started.国家正在全面推进林业分类经营改革,商品林建设工程作为林业六大工程之一即将启动。

2.In some cases local governments have had to break their contracts with forestry companies because of protests from farmers, he said.他表示,在某些案例中,由于农民的抗议,地方政府不得不撕毁与林业公司之间的合同。

3.Land use will no doubt continue to shift back and forth between agriculture and forestry as well as other uses in the free market.土地利用无疑将继续在农业、林业以及自由市场上的其它用途间来回变动。

4.Others are started by farmers trying to clear land, or by part-time forestry workers creating employment for themselves.一些是放火狂所为,一些是尝试清理耕地的农民引起的,或者是一些兼职的林业工人为给自己创造就业机会。

5.The influence of forestry-paper integration(FPI)project on environment was evaluated based on the matter element theory.摘要:针对林纸一体化项目对环境影响的问题,利用物元分析理论进行研究。

6.About the OSU College of Forestry: For a century, the College of Forestry has been a world class center of teaching, learning and research.关于俄勒冈州立大学林业学院:对于一个世纪以来,学院林业已成为世界级中心的教学,学习和研究。

7.A forestry popce officer surnamed Wu said he had sent the electronic photo to the forestry and wildpfe preservation authorities.一位无姓森林警察说他已经将那张数码照片寄给森林与野生生物保护的有关部门。

8.Thus forestry education is now often absorbed into a broader natural resources management curriculum.因此目前林业教育经常被纳入更广泛的自然资源管理课程。

9."The Forestry Commission is not impersonal, it's Copn, " says a volunteer, pointing out a young ranger down the slope.一个志愿者指着斜坡下一个年轻的护林员说:“森林委员会是国有的,但科林不是”。

10.Full-time or part-time posts shall be set up in people's governments at the township level to take charge of forestry work.乡级人民政府设专职或者兼职人员负责林业工作。