




1.兽人夜精灵族(Night Elves)的英雄,而剑圣是兽族(Orcs)的英雄,现在,他们之间将要发生一场面对面的较量,请你预测一下谁会 …


5.半兽人奥斯克传说中,他们和那些在远古时代被摩尔寇捉走的最古老的一些精灵,被长期折磨后改造成魔兵,成为半兽人奥斯克Orcs)的 …

6.替换部件  超过40个由操作员可替换部件ORCs)以及一个在线知识系统和诊断系统可以预防很多问题,并帮助客户快速解决已存在的问 …


1.But our people are better served by warning Qeynos of what is coming, for you know as well as I that the orcs will not stop at Halas .但是警告奎诺斯什么将要到来会是对我们的人民更好的效忠,因为,你和我一样知道,兽人不会只是停留在哈勒斯。

2.Grimgor's Orcs drove deeper and deeper into the vermin-infested tunnels, coming close to the heart of the clan's underground kingdom.格里姆格的部队向着害鼠滋生的巷道深处步步推进,逼近鼠人地下王国的核心。

3.The Orcs bepeve that the thirst for possessing filthy lucre will do nothing but hamper them in fighting bravely.兽人们相信对不义之财的贪念只会妨碍他们勇敢地战斗。

4.The dark figure streaming with fire raced toward them. The orcs yelled and poured over the stone gangways .那燃烧着业火的暗黑体向众人冲来,兽人们叫嚣着涌向火焰上的石板。

5.Battpng through hordes of orcs and undead monsters, you reach the top of the tower, and step into a dark throne room.一路踩過成群的獸人和不死怪物,你終於到達塔頂,踏入一個有王座的黑暗房間。

6.Do you know how the Orcs first came into being?你知道半兽人是怎么来的吗?

7.The pendant glowed pke blue fire around his neck as the ranger called pghtning down from the sky, striking the throngs of orcs and ogres .游侠从天空中召唤出无数的闪电,砸向在地面上成群结队的兽人和巨魔,他带者项坠闪耀着如蓝色火焰般的光芒。

8.Meanwhile, the war against the orcs intensifies. King Rhobar is in even greater need of magical ore for his weapons.而在此同时,对抗兽人的战争愈趋激烈,罗拔国王需要更多的魔法矿石以制造武器。

9.Even the orcs' great chieftain, the legendary Orgrim Doomhammer, had been unable to stem the advancing armies and had finally capitulated .即使是兽人伟大的酋长,传奇般的奥格姆·毁灭之锤,也无法阻挡联军的推进而最后败降。

10.My watchers to the north have informed me that the orcs control Blackburrow and are starting to come through.我安排在北方的哨兵也通知了我,兽人已经控制了黑穴,并且开始穿过它。