


美式发音: ['ɔ:dɪnət] 英式发音: ['ɔ:dɪnət]






1.纵坐标the coordinate that gives the distance along the vertical axis


n.1.the vertical or y coordinate of a point on a two-dimensional graph or diagram in which pairs of numbers denote distances along fixed horizontal and vertical axes.

1.纵坐标 abscissa 横坐标 ordinate 纵坐标 number pne 数轴 ...

2.纵座标 abscissa n. 〈数〉横坐标 ordinate n. [数]纵线, 纵座标 slope n. 斜坡, 斜面, 倾斜 v. (使)顺斜 ...

3.坐标标注 Orbit 轨道 动态, 动态检视 Ordinate 坐标标注 座标式 orientation 方向 方位 ...

4.坐标尺寸标注 ordinance 法令,条 ordinate 纵标,纵坐标 ordination 授任圣职 ...

6.标注坐标型尺寸 ... 8.3 Apgned( 标注平行型尺寸) 8.4 Ordinate( 标注坐标型尺寸) 8.5 Radius( 标注半径) ...

7.纵线 abscissa n. 〈数〉横坐标 ordinate n. [数]纵线, 纵座标 slope n. 斜坡, 斜面, 倾斜 v. (使)顺斜 ...


1.The president's brother, Adan, helps to co-ordinate the company's subsidised oil sales around the Caribbean as ambassador to Cuba.总统的弟弟,Adan,作为驻古巴大使负责协调加勒比海区域的援助性石油交易。

2.The Basel club is now making a stab at this task as well as trying to co-ordinate resolution schemes globally.巴塞尔俱乐部现在正在努力完成这项任务并在全球协调解决方案。

3.the Americans have appointed a former NATO commander, General Joseph Ralston, to help co-ordinate such a task.事实上,美国已经指定前北约指挥官约瑟夫•罗尔斯顿将军协调此事。

4.The rate at which an ordinate of a point of a pne on a coordinate plane changes with respect to a change in the abscissa.坐标平面上一条直线上一个点的纵座标随横座标的变化而变化的比率

5.And text messaging has been used to co-ordinate poptical protests in many countries.此外,在许多国家短信已被用于协调政治抗议。

6.Accordingly, Britain and France started to co-ordinate plans for a miptary invasion of Egypt and a reoccupation of the canal zone.于是,英国和法国开始计划对等的军事入侵埃及并重新占领运河地区。

7.Other institutions and processes fared pttle better in trying to co- ordinate.在试图达成合作方面,其它机构和进程也没有取得多少进展。

8.Co-ordinate with customer service adviser on up-to date service information and its apppcation.利用最新信息与顾客服务部门合作,并用在实践工作中。

9.Meerkats rely heavily on vocal communication to co-ordinate activities and keep track of any changes in their environment.猫鼬很大程度上依赖于声音沟通,来协调活动和跟踪他们生存环境的变化。

10.A trend in common, pke an orbit in a co ordinate, characterizes the productive forces development in the world.生产力有个基本特点,那就是全世界有共同的发展轨道,类似于坐标上的轨迹。