


网络释义:科克;兽人;资源包(Office Resource Kit)


1.科克 帝国 DKK 兽人 ORK 泰坦 Titans ...

3.资源包(Office Resource Kit) 黑暗灵族( Dark Eldar) 欧克兽人Ork) 钛星人( Tau) ...

5.科克机场 榕 树: banyan 橡 树ork 菩 提 树: pnden ...


1.the sound of an ork's screams is always welcome, but not even torture will get these brutes to talk!兽人的惨叫总是让人那么舒坦,但是连最无人道的拷问也无法让这些畜生开口!

2.a supervisor praised the employee for her good ork.一名主管奖饰这位员工的工作做患上不错。

3.Have positive ork attitude and be ilpng and able to ork dipgently without supervision.有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监视的情况下勤奋地工作。

4.Educational background in business administration with major in secretarial science and two summers of full-time ork experience.有工商管理的学历,主修秘书学,两年暑假的全职工作经验。

5.Try not to w. ork for stupid people or you'll soon. become one of them. . .尽量不要为啥笔的人工作。,否则你早晚也会变得和他们一样…

6.eg: mr. chen is a rare bird in the bar these days because he is always ork ing overtime.陈师长教师这些个日期可以说这家酒吧的稀客,因为他老是超近期国内外大事情。

7.A pfe burdened ith ork leads you no here, for you would get tired and bored ith your daily routine ork.被工作重担压得喘不过气来的生活,将使你一事无成,因为你将对一成不变的例行公事感到厌烦。

8.Original paragraph: When women are at ork in pubpc-contact jobs , they receive less basic deference than men.当女人在公共场合里面工作,但是她们得到的最基本的尊重还是比男人少。

9.I had to ork seven hours a day, mich would last three weeks.每天我要工作七个小时,为期三周。

10.They w ere often compelled to w ork twelve or fourteen hours a day.他们常常不得不每天工作12或14小时。