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网络释义:俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University);俄勒冈州立大学(Oregon State University);离境证券业务


abbr.1.Order of Saint Ursula

1.俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)9)+俄亥俄州立大学OSU)所有校区 - 7.20亿美元10)斯丹佛大学(Standford U) - 6.88亿美元同年全美国大学R&D预算 - 4…

2.俄勒冈州立大学(Oregon State University)俄勒冈州立大学OSU)主校区坐落于科瓦利斯市。该市位于俄勒冈威拉梅特山谷中心地带。

3.离境证券业务--离境证券业务(OSU)条例上路,券商商机上看8兆台币,攸关券商承作离境证券业务的"OSU条例"可望在明年初由行政院拍板、公 …

4.俄亥俄州大46 —— 俄亥俄州大(OSU) “鹿瞳子树/七叶树/五叶树” (Buckeyes) (注:怎么数Buckeye也是五片叶子)曼哈顿是以天主教修士贾 …


1.About the OSU College of Forestry: For a century, the College of Forestry has been a world class center of teaching, learning and research.关于俄勒冈州立大学林业学院:对于一个世纪以来,学院林业已成为世界级中心的教学,学习和研究。

2.I would say that if you're going to college to have fun then you could probably do this anywhere, including OSU.我想说如果你去学校是为了找乐子你可以去任何一所学校,包括OSU。

3.OSU's Bob Colper says it's fair to say the data array will revolutionize oceanography.俄勒冈州立大学的鲍勃Colper说,公平地说,数据阵列将彻底改变海洋学。

4.I'm in love with OSU football and wanted a huge school so it seemed pke a good fit.如果你想去一所大学校,那么可以来这里。

5.Employers respect OSU, and it has opened doors for me even outside the state of Ohio.所有的雇主都很看重这所学校。甚至在俄亥俄州以外的地区,它也为我开启了机会的大门。

6.First, Clara tells him that she cannot marry him because she is an osu, an outcast.首先,克拉拉告诉他,她不能嫁给他,因为她是一个大须排斥。

7.Taking its challenges come not OSU Fisher because of its business school overall level higher, encouraging more reputation.是因为其商学院总体水平高一些,名声更盛。

8.And, his parents tell him he must not marry Clara because she is an osu.而且,他的父母告诉他不能结婚,因为她克拉拉是一个大须。

9.Texas OSU football team cheerleader; very professional.德克萨斯OSU足球队的啦啦队长,非常敬业。

10.The major difference is that unpke those schools, OSU gets most its students from Ohio and the rest of the Midwest.不同于那些学校,OSU的学生大多数来自俄亥俄州和其它的中西部地区。