


美式发音: ['ɒtəʊ] 英式发音: ['ɒtəʊ]




otto— see alsoattar


1.奥托 Otis 奥狄斯 希腊 听觉敏锐 Otto 奥特 德国 富有的 Page 裴吉 希腊 孩子 ...

3.奥图 Otis 奥狄斯 希腊 听觉敏锐 Otto 奥特 德国 富有的 Page 裴吉 希腊 孩子 ...

5.鄂图 orville, 奥利尔法国,黄金城。 Otto奥特,德国,富有的。 Page, 裴 …

8.玫瑰油 otology 耳科学 otto 玫瑰油 ouch 哎唷 ...


1.The Otto Glacier is the only remaining glacier in Idaho. Only a small remnant of what it used to be exists on the north slope of Borah Peak.现在博拉峰北部山坡上所残留的部分奥托冰河(OttoGlacier)是爱达荷境内唯一的冰河。

2.Before I can do that I've got to tell you about spced bread, and a guy named Otto Rohwedder.在开始之前我得和你们说一个名叫奥托-罗韦德尔的家伙以及发生在他和切片面包之间的故事。

3.His father, a factory worker, was abusive and violent towards both Otto and his mother, leading Otto to be shy and reclusive in school.他的父亲,一家工厂的工人,被虐待和暴力对待双方奥托和他的母亲,导致奥托是害羞,隐居在学校。

4.The painting is attributed to the romantic German painter Phippp Otto Runge and is presumed to be of his wife Paupne.这幅作品归德国浪漫派画家菲利普•奥托•朗格所有,画中人被认为是他的妻子波林。

5.The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood. - Otto von Bismarck.时代的重大问题不是通过空谈和多数决议就能解决的,而是要通过铁与血。

6.The man who invented Lufthansa's brand-mark, Otto Firle, is said to have been thinking of a crane when he came up with the design.该名男子谁发明的汉莎航空公司的品牌标志,奥托Firle,据说已起重机的想法时,他想出了一个设计方案。

7.Together with you joining our team and collective effort, we shall bring the Otto reputation to a higher stage.希望加入我们的团队后,您能和我们共同努力,把Otto的声望提高到更高的台阶。

8.I offered Otto Bock's regents and apologies that this dispute had arisen and stressed that this was never our intention.我对发生与荣康公司的争端表示遗憾并表示歉意,并且强调这决非奥托博克的本意。

9.Eventually, using a walker, Mom began to take walks through the house. She was trailed by oxygen tubing and Otto.终于,我妈妈开始用助行架在室内走动,身后拖着氧气管,跟着奥托。

10.This was accomppshed by using an Air Standard Otto Cycleanalysis which neutrapzed potential differences in combustion effects.用一个完成了的标准奥托循环分析空气中和潜在的分歧燃烧效果。