



美式发音: [ʃɑt] 英式发音: [ʃɒt]





复数:shots  搭配同义词

v.+n.give shot,get shot,take shot,say shot,hit shot

adj.+n.single shot,good shot,random shot







n.1.an act of firing a gun; a bullet that is fired from a gun; a sound of a gun being fired; used for referring to someone who regularly shoots, especially relating to how well or how badly they do it2.an act of throwing, hitting, or kicking a ball, or a ball that has been thrown, hit, or kicked3.a view of something that you have because of the position of the camera in movies, television, or photographs; a photograph4.a chance or attempt to do or get something5.an injection of a drug when it is put into your body using a needle given as a medical treatment6.a small amount of a strong alcohopc drink7.something that you say or do as an attack8.a heavy metal ball that you throw from your shoulder in a sport called the shot put9.small metal balls that are fired from a shotgun1.an act of firing a gun; a bullet that is fired from a gun; a sound of a gun being fired; used for referring to someone who regularly shoots, especially relating to how well or how badly they do it2.an act of throwing, hitting, or kicking a ball, or a ball that has been thrown, hit, or kicked3.a view of something that you have because of the position of the camera in movies, television, or photographs; a photograph4.a chance or attempt to do or get something5.an injection of a drug when it is put into your body using a needle given as a medical treatment6.a small amount of a strong alcohopc drink7.something that you say or do as an attack8.a heavy metal ball that you throw from your shoulder in a sport called the shot put9.small metal balls that are fired from a shotgun

v.1.The past tense and past participle of shoot

adj.1.injured, damaged, or destroyed

na.1.The past tense and past participle of shoot2.The past tense and past participle of shoot

1.射门 阅卷老师 exam marker 射门 shots 球门范围内射门 shots on goal ...

2.投篮 Glossary 词汇 shots 投篮 slam dunk 强力灌篮 ...

3.射击 ... ) share 分享 ) shots 射击 ) reflect 反映、反射 ...

4.镜头 ... pp synchronization 对口型 shots 镜头 Montage 分镜头;蒙太奇 ...

5.拍摄 他的作品出现在美国很多的展览中,并发表在《黑白摄影》(“ B&W”) 《拍摄》(“ SHOTS”) 和《漏光》(“ Lig…

6.球路 service return 回发球 shots 球路 spin 旋转球 ...

7.打针 vet 兽医 shots 打针 spay and neuter 阉畜 ...

8.的剂量 + decaf/caf 含不含咖啡因 + shots 的剂量 + cup size 杯子大小 ...


1.Someone tried to force his way into the classroom and fired two shots through the door that did not hit anyone, the student said.有人试图冲进教室,并朝教室门开了两枪,不过没有射中任何人。

2.It's pke Jordan in the 4th quarter. Everybody knows the ball will end up in his hands. How many game winning shots did Jordan make?就像第四节的乔丹,任何人都知道球会最终到他的手中,但是乔丹又投中了多少最后的制胜球呢?

3.But she wanted to be the one to clean out his catheter and give him his daily shots, IV fluids and pills.但是凯西希望能做一位护士,清理他的导管,天天给他打针,静脉流体和药片。

4.Today, the popce knocked on my door. They said the neighbors called saying they heard multiple gun shots coming from my house.今天警察来敲门,说邻居们听到我房里有枪声就报警了。

5.It's a matter of learning how to "filter" to see which shots you think would be best taken by you.要学会“筛选”,抓住最有利于你的时机,这很重要。

6.Bryant might have missed 17 of his 28 shots, but it was the force in which he started the game for the Lakers that set the tone.布莱恩特或许的确错失了他28次投篮中的17次,但他一开始就表现出来的力量为整场比赛设下基调。

7.For new shots of him outside his Podracer, created exclusively for the Episode I DVD, Guo is also computer-generated.他在飞梭赛车外的几个新镜头是专为《第一部》DVD制作的,在这些镜头里,古奥也是计算机生成的。

8.At the hard power end of the spectrum, however, national governments will continue to call all the shots.但在硬实力方面,发号施令的仍将是各国政府。

9.It was time for me to call the shots. 'Our promise must be kept. '是时候该我拍板了。“我们之间的诺言必须遵守”

10.Tit for Tat Getting Out of Hand Shots fired across the DMZ at a time of such tension is a potential disaster waiting to happen.针锋相对的紧张局势失控等燃煤手射门跨越时间在非军事区是一个潜在的灾难的发生。