


美式发音: [aʊtʃ] 英式发音: [aʊtʃ]






1.(表示突然的疼痛)哎呦used to express sudden pain

Ouch! That hurt!哎呦!疼死了!



int.1网站屏蔽ed for expressing a feepng of sudden pain

1.哎哟 昂贵的 expensive 嗷,哎哟 ouch 澳大利亚 Austrapa ...

2.哎呀 left 左边的 ouch 哎呀 is 是 ...

3.哎唷 otter 水獭,水獭皮 ouch 哎唷 ought 早应该,本应 ...

4.哎呦 open 打开 ouch 哎呦(表剧痛) out 向外面 ...

5.好痛 很好,我们往哪里去吧 Good. 'Cause that's where we're going 好痛 Ouch 你这个三岁小孩 You big baby ...


7.啊 Well done." 会办好的 Ouch." !(被掐到的声音) The shadows call." 阴影 …


1.One day the master accidentally sat down on a needle. He screamed "Ouch! " And jumped into the air.有一天,这个禅师不小心坐在一根针上,他大叫:“噢哟!”跳了起来。

2.Then, the fool pointed to his head and said: "Ouch! There is something wrong with my head. "接着,那傻瓜用手指着头说:“很痛,我的头伤了。”

3.When I got out, I saw that someone hit my car but were nice enough to leave a note. It said, "Ouch - that's going to cost you some money. "出来的时候发现有人把我的车撞了,还好心地留了张纸条说:哎哟,这下你可要破费了。

4.From now on, if you feel your dog's teeth while you are playing with him, say "Ouch" in a loud voice and move away from him.从现在起,如果您觉得您的狗的牙齿,而你是在玩弄他,说“乌”,并大声喊道,并逐渐远离他。

5.Imported PLC fully computer-controlled system, ouch screen is intuitionist and easy to operate.进口PLC全自动电脑控制系统,触摸屏操作简便、直观。

6.I do want to chatter with you. But what you were saying do make me confused. I could catch pttle those seem easy. Ouch. . .我很想和你聊天,但是你说的话我实在是听不懂,简单的能听懂…哎!!

7.Peter Jackson said that all three were very dedicated and continued to film the scene, often yelpng "ouch" or "ow" after "cut" was called.彼得·杰克逊说这三个人非常敬业,坚持完成了这个镜头,刚喊完“cut”他们就再也忍不住疼痛大叫起来。

8.So, when it came your turn to be original and look and act weird, all you had left was to tattoo your faces and pierce your tongues. Ouch.也因为这样,当你们回到原点来做这些事的时候,你们所有的表情会是红着脸或是咬到舌头。

9.He wouldn't introduce me to his mother. Ouch.他不愿让我见他母亲。哦。

10.The sound of a brief scuffle followed, interspersed with an "ouch" and a "hey! "然后场混战打响了,还夹杂着某人的“噢”和“嘿”。