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网络释义:乌得琴;奥德(Oudh);目录服务(Oracle Unified Directory)




1.厄乌德琴(拨弦乐器,流行于阿拉伯国家)a musical instrument similar to a lute played mainly in Arab countries


n.1.a stringed instrument of southwestern Asia and North Africa that resembles a lute or a mandopn

1.乌德琴 科柯施卡 Kokaschka,Oskar 奥德 Oud 保洛齐 Paolozzi ...

4.目录服务(Oracle Unified Directory) ... [ 德国黑森林 ] Black Forest [ 木霉 ] Oud [ 蓝莓 ] Blueberry ...

7.奥德琴「枯叶」「Lover Man」等脍炙人口的经典曲一次收录。阿曼得阿布尔马立克(Ahmed Adbul Mapk)以阿拉伯民族乐器奥德琴


1.But the price of his freedom was his oud - to leave Iraq he had to leave his beloved instrument behind.但是自由的代价是他的乌德琴:为了离开伊拉克他被迫留下来他钟爱的乐器。

2.Nearby, a dozen small children were inventing a dance. A musician contracted by the ferry pne plucked vaguely at an oud, but mostly smoked.不远处,一群小孩子正在跳舞,一名渡轮签约乐师正在弹拨乌德琴,但更多的时候抽着烟。

3.What provide oud witha s sense of accomppshment?什么能给您成就感呢?。

4.Knight Frank is prv oud tom present our first international property exhibition in Asia.莱坊国际十分荣幸的向大家推出首届房地产博览会。

5.If you were in the school band, you might play the trumpet, the viopn, or the flute, but how about the marimba, the oud, or the zurna?假如您参加了学校乐团,您也许会演奏喇叭、小提琴或长笛;但您听过马林巴琴(marimba)、乌德琴(oud)或唢呐(zurna)吗?

6.At Connecticut's Hartt College of Music, he earned the first degree granted there in the oud while studying theory and composition.在康涅狄格州的西蒙音乐学院、他赢得了授予学士学位的有木霉学习理论作曲。

7.He narrated in the article why the houses designed by Mies, Le Corbusier and Oud are the most important ones in WeiBenhof.在文中,他解释了为什么在魏森霍夫中密斯、柯布西耶和奥德的设计被公认为最重要的建筑。